Join us for this mind blowing conversation with Dr. Cleopatra, reproductive health and fertility specialist, scientist, and university professor. We dive into empowerment around fertility, the power of reproduction, and the most important things you can focus on for your own vitality and legacy.
Key Takeaways:
- Understanding our inherited genetics and what epigenetics are.
- Fertility and the importance of preconception (the pri-mester).
- What a super baby is.
- How you can be empowered to prime your system to create healthy super babies and super grand babies.
- The myths about what we have been taught around our biology, fertility and reproductive health.
- Key takeaways from Dr. Cleopatra's HD chart and the potency around the missions we have when we are aligned with our soul purpose.
- How focusing on your fertility (whether you are planning to have kids or not) is the most important thing you can do for your life and others.
- The anti-aging effects from having healthy fertility.
- The most important action steps for improving your reproductive health and vitality that you can do today.
Dr. Cleopatra:
Instagram: @dr_cleopatra
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