No dead pilot this month, but we have something special instead! On this episode we get to hear a network executive's side of the story. Andrew sat down with television comedy executive, Jamila Hunter. Jamila was the Senior Vice President of ABC Comedy before leaving to head up Kenya Barris's production company at Netflix. In this interview, you'll hear her speak openly about running a network comedy department... What it's like to hear 10 to 12 comedy pitches every single day for months...The number one thing she looks for in a pitch... Embarrassing mistakes writers make and how to avoid them... How the pilot pick-up decisions are actually made... She also reminisces about some of the great pitches she's heard in her career, like Kenya Barris' pitch for Black-ish. Lots of valuable insights for writers, and lots of great perspective for television fans. Enjoy, and we'll be back with a new dead pilot next month!
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