On today’s episode we’re gonna take the intimidation out of a fun spring task and help you create front porch planters that wow. We have a very special guest on the show, Becky Nyman, who is Sue’s go-to person whenever she has any questions on gardening and plants. She’s a master gardener who has owned her own businesses and has been in the space for over 30 years. This time of year you see a lot of women dragging their pots into the nursery or garden shop to help them get their porch planters potted. Becky is gonna teach us how to make these decorative planters porch worthy.
“Picking your pot is probably the most important thing that you want to do. You want to pick a pot that has drainage in it. Water can kills your plants faster than anything, and a lot of people don’t realize that. Overwatering kills plants faster than letting them dry out.” 5:56
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