On this episode, author Tim Clare (that's me) shares 7 easy ways to help your writing that aren't actually writing. That's right! I've gone all lifestyle guru. Except not really. These are 7 small tweaks you can make to your daily routine or lack thereof, that have helped me write quite a bit.
What are they? Well...
- Get In The Shower
- Get A Wall Calendar
- Make A Could-Do List
- Read Stuff You Hate
- Tidy Up
- Move
- Tempt Yourself
I don't think I've ever sounded more like a curmudgeonly dad than reading those titles back to myself. But of course if you'd like to know the advice appended to each of those tasty lil lexical meathooks you'll have to listen to the episode. They're all pretty simple to roadtest, cheap or free, and chosen to yield disproportionately great results. If you can do something that only takes 5 minutes, and makes your day 5% better, that's worth it, right?
In this episode I quote from Natalie Goldberg's classic creative writing manual, WRITING DOWN THE BONES, and you can grab yourself a copy here: https://wordery.com/writing-down-the-bones-natalie-goldberg-9781611803082#oid=1908_1
Here's a link to info on how to do the Pomodoro Technique: https://francescocirillo.com/pages/pomodoro-technique
And oh! Oh! Be a love and buy my novel, THE HONOURS: https://wordery.com/the-honours-tim-clare-9781782114765#oid=1908_1
Here's the page where you can chuck the show a few bucks directly: https://ko-fi.com/timclare
And don't forget you can contact me via http://www.timclarepoet.co.uk or on Twitter @timclarepoet
Thanks very much for your support.