In this episode I chat to author R O Kwon about her novel THE INCENDIARIES.
We talk about the pain of losing her faith and how her yearning for God lit the fuse that would become THE INCENDIARIES, a story about characters pulled into a religious terrorist sect. We talk about the 10 years the novel took to write, how she dealt with the challenge of writing convincingly about fanaticism, and what it's like being a cool author. She also opens up about some personal creative quirks, and I actually ask the question 'what's your favourite letter of the alphabet?' because that is how a serious adult interviews a writer about literature. But I genuinely wanted to know!
If you'd like a copy of THE INCENDIARIES with free shipping it'd be churlish of me to stop you, and I will in fact aid you - click this link to order it with free worldwide shipping:
And you can read my novel, THE HONOURS, by ordering it here:
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