On this episode I chat to author Nate Crowley about ideas - specifically the incubation, hatching and rearing thereof. Lots of discussion of how to generate ideas, how you know when an idea is ready, how to turn an idea into a story, as well as in-depth chat about world-building, good and bad. We go quite deep into a lot of SF, Fantasy and genre chat, but the talk should be accessible for all authors who care about ideas and originality and giving their readers an experience they won't soon forget.
If you enjoy this episode and want to read work by Nate Crowley(as well as supporting him and the podcast) then use the links below:
100 Best Video Games (That Never Existed): https://wordery.com/100-best-video-games-that-never-existed-nate-crawley-9781781086148#oid=1908_1
The Death and Life Of Schneider Wrack: https://wordery.com/the-death-and-life-of-schneider-wrack-nate-crowley-9781781085561#oid=1908_1
We also mention China Mieville's Perdido Street Station: https://wordery.com/perdido-street-station-china-mieville-9780330534239#oid=1908_1
And Lauren Beukes' Zoo City: https://wordery.com/zoo-city-lauren-beukes-9780316267922#=oid1908_1
If you haven't read either, check them out!
Oh, and buy my novel, The Honours: https://wordery.com/the-honours-tim-clare-9781782114765?cTrk#oid=1908_1