Summary: Growing up as a second-generation Adventist in Knoxville, Tennessee, and later in Nova Scotia, Canada, Jodi's journey to finding her identity and faith was filled with ups and downs. From her people-pleasing tendencies and struggles fitting in during high school to life-altering experiences as a student missionary in Zambia, listen to Jodi's heartfelt and honest conversation.
As she entered adulthood, Jodi faced difficult life transitions and betrayals that would lead her down a path of toxic relationships, guilt, and shame. She questioned her relationship with God and her own worth, but eventually found the power of forgiveness, love, and grace. Hear how Jodi's experiences with forgiveness and healing have given her a renewed sense of self-worth and the ability to trust God with her child's safety.
In this inspiring conversation, Jodi shares her journey of healing, faith, strength, and how she went from death to life because of Jesus. Join us as she opens up about the lessons she's learned along the way as she walked in good gospel. Be inspired by her incredible story and newfound understanding of the power of forgiveness. Join us as we dive into Jodi's life, her transformation, and what it means to truly embrace God's love and grace.
Keywords: Second-generation Adventist, Identity, Faith, Single Mom, Dating, Toxic relationships, Guilt, Healing, Embracing God's love.
External Resources: More Good Gospel
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