Summary: Nathan Hoffman is a big softie with a heart from God. But growing up, he didn’t have guidance on how to handle his emotions. This left him scrambling on the soccer field, stifling self-doubt and burying years of insecurity. He tried everything he could to manage his confidence, including a stint with the Army.
Nathan met his future wife (shoutout to Michaela from Season 2, Episode 26!) and began learning more about who God was. Slowly and through his wife’s influence, Nathan’s eyes were opened to true confidence, one that surpasses all understanding.
The newness of freedom grew richer as Nathan’s understanding deepened — but it took time. His confidence as a righteous Son impacted his health, marriage, and relationship with his dad in the most beautiful way. God changes lives, and Nathan’s story is a testimony to that.
Keywords: Insecurity / Works / Sports / Affirmation / Double Mindedness / Lust / Army / Confidence / Patience
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Facebook Group: Love Reality | Gospel Community
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