Lesson 67: Love Created Me Like Itself
In this episode of Deep Dive into A Course in Miracles, we explore Lesson 67, which declares that “Love created me like itself.” This transformative affirmation encourages us to replace false self-perceptions with the truth of our divine nature: holy, good, and perfect. Through focused exercises, we learn to quiet the ego’s deceptive voice and attune to the Voice of God, recognizing ourselves as the light of the world and the true Son of God. This practice leads to inner illumination and self-realization. 🎧✨
Briefing Doc:
Key Themes in “A Course in Miracles” – Lesson 67
Title: “Love Created Me Like Itself”
This document explores Lesson 67 of A Course in Miracles, titled “Love Created Me Like Itself.” The lesson focuses on the recognition of one’s true identity as a creation of love and the transformative practice of affirming this truth. It highlights the need to replace false self-images with divine truth and emphasizes the role of quieting the ego to hear the Voice of God.
Key Themes and Ideas
1. Identity as a Creation of Love
The central idea is that each individual is created in the image of love, reflecting its perfection, goodness, and holiness. This statement is presented as a complete and accurate expression of one’s true self.
• Quote: “Love created me like itself. This is a complete and accurate statement of what you are.”
2. Implications of This Identity
• Light of the World: Recognizing oneself as a creation of love implies being the light of the world, a source of salvation.
• Savior of the World: Each person holds the key to the salvation of the Son of God, representing universal consciousness.
• Quote: “This is why you are the light of the world. This is why God appointed you as the savior of the world.”
3. Overcoming False Self-Perceptions
The lesson challenges the ego’s self-made definitions of God and oneself, replacing them with divine attributes like holiness, goodness, and love.
• Purpose: To dissolve false images of oneself created by the ego and embrace the truth of being created by love.
• Quote: “We are attempting to undo your definition of God and replace it with His.”
4. Practical Exercises
The lesson emphasizes a structured approach to integrate this understanding:
• Affirmations: Regular repetition of “Love created me like itself” and similar affirmations such as “Holiness created me holy” or “Goodness created me good.”
• Meditation: Quiet moments to let go of preconceived notions of self and connect with inner truth beyond all images.
• Quote: “Try to reach past all your images and preconceptions about yourself to the truth in you.”
5. Listening to the Voice for God
The truth about oneself is not self-generated but comes from the Voice for God, which replaces the ego’s lies with divine guidance.
• Quote: “It is the Voice for God, reminding you of your Father and your Self.”
Takeaways and Objectives
• Shift in Perception: Replace false self-perceptions with the truth of divine identity.
• Inner Illumination: Recognize oneself as the light of the world.
• Ego Dissolution: Quiet the ego to allow divine truth to emerge.
• Confidence in Progress: Even small efforts contribute to realizing this truth.
• Quote: “Be confident that you will do much today to bring the awareness of truth nearer.”
Lesson 67 emphasizes that love is the essence of our creation and identity. By affirming this truth through meditation, repetition, and listening to the Voice for God, individuals can transcend the ego’s illusions and experience inner illumination. This lesson is a profound step toward self-realization and embracing one’s divine function as the light of the world.