Background Music for Sleep, Meditation, Relaxation, Massage, Yoga, Studying and Therapy
Hi everyone, this is Jim Butler and welcome to the Deep Energy Podcast 1195 to 1197 - Cliffs of Ogunquit - Parts 1 - 3
Season 14 Episode 10, 11 and 12
I was in Ogunquit, Maine for a few days around New Years and recorded some great ocean sound. So this is in 3 parts. The first part is just some ocean sounds, then part will be with some piano and the third part will be with some flute sounds. I hope you enjoy it. Also check out my YouTube page, with some 4K video of the ocean. …….
I have a brand new podcast. ‘Slow Piano for Sleep’ A semi-weekly podcast of my own solo ambient piano pieces. Available wherever you listen to podcasts and at the link below If you would like to find out more about me and my music, head on over to or you can e-mail me at
[email protected]. On the website you will find links to all of my social media including FB, FB fan page, IG and Twitter and any live appearances I am making in the Keene, NH area.
My YouTube page has all of the podcasts if you like listening that way, plus various other videos. now have a merchandise store with a collection of mugs, t-shirts, tote bags, hoodie’s and a ton more… you can find it at
www.deepenergy.threadless.comThis podcast is ad supported, if you would like to listen to the podcast without ads or speaking, please go to my Bandcamp page and most of the podcasts are there. If you would like a podcast and you don’t see it, just send me an e-mail and I will get it uploaded ASAP. Please share, subscribe, rate and review (helps more people find the podcast) through however you listen to the podcast including:
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Thank you for listening. Until the next time, please be kind to one another, peace, bye…
Original Image: by me via Dream app (not sponsored)
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