Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to
FROM THE NEWSLETTER: Notes on Quentin Tarantino's Writing Routine [3:39]
- How fluid are my quarterly plans? [17:00]
- What is a good approach to take notes in meetings? [19:59]
- What do you include ads o your podcast? [23:31]
- How do I install a deep work mindset in my team? [25:25]
- How do you (Cal) use Evernote? [32:37]
- Am I planning an app version of my time-block planner? [35:30]
- Any tips to help me actually do the things I have time blocked? [37:21]
- How do I stop embracing my distracting thoughts? [45:37]
- How does a high school student find things to be interested in? [55:24]
- How do I get started writing on an already popular topic? [59:42]
- How does deep work relate to Dave Epstein's idea go Generalists vs. Specialists? [1:05:45]
Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music and Mark Miles for mastering.