Below are the questions covered in today's episode (with their timestamps). For instructions on submitting your own questions, go to
- How do virtual office hours work with multiple participants? [4:26]
- Is time spent in front of a computer screen bad (bonus rant: we work too much!)? [8:18]
- How do I remember goals when I'm in danger of distraction? [14:20]
- Why do I ignore monthly planning? [16:26]
- How do I survive running two companies? [18:08]
- How do I make my YouTube channel popular? [22:43]
- How should I train new hires? [27:09]
- How do I avoid getting stuck waiting for a needed response? [30:43]
- Can I (Cal) give feedback to all submitted questions [32:48]
- Can my (Cal) philosophy be summarized as "deep intentionalism"? [34:33]
- Which phones and phone apps do you use? [37:18]
- What are some ideas for keystone habits in the creativity bucket? [38:41]
- How should a college student approach digital minimalism? [43:17]
Thanks to Jay Kerstens for the intro music and Mark Miles for mastering.