Deep Questions with Cal Newport
In this episode of Deep Questions I answer reader questions on book publicity without social media, Facebook's fatal flaw, and escaping soul-crushing jobs. I also try out a new segment where I answer on the fly randomly selected questions I have not previously seen (to interesting effect).
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Full list of topics tackled in today’s episode:
* Do I plan to ever have guests on the podcast to help me answer questions? (Yes.)
* Deep work in a reactive organization (rant alert).
* Tackling an overwhelming number of obligations.
* Dealing with unproductive days.
* Building good depth rituals.
* Deliberate practice and social skills.
* When is a PhD program worth it?
* Productive people who also use social media.
* The good and bad sides of technology.
* Side-stepping the YouTube rabbit hole.
* Publicizing books when you don't use social media.
* Reducing text volume when dating.
* Encouraging teens to spend last time on their phones (difficult, but possible!).
* Facebook's fatal flaw.
* Dealing with a job that "eats" your soul.
* Advice for teenagers about to start college.
* Fear of failure while pursuing a PhD.
* Quarantine ruts impacting productivity (sermon alert).
* PLUS: two randomly selected questions (mega sermon alert)
Thank you to listener Bit Holiday for the original theme music and transition sound effect (