355 avsnitt • Längd: 20 min • Månadsvis
Many Christians feel frustrated because they don’t grow spiritually. The Deeper Christian Podcast helps equip Christians to understand the Word of God and cultivate a passionate love for Jesus that turns the world upside down.
Whether you want to learn how to study God’s Word, grow in your faith, cultivate a powerful and effective prayer life, share the Gospel boldly, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, live victoriously, or transform the world through the indwelling life of the Holy Spirit, the Deeper Christian Podcast with NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) will encourage and equip you to grow spiritually and live a Christ-centered life.
The podcast Deeper Christian Podcast is created by NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson). The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
The Christian life should be marked by three C’s: content, character, and communication.
In this episode, Nathan discusses and explains the three C’s of the Christian life and why they are essential for the times in which we live.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 355
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/355
It has often been joked that there are only two guarantees in life: death and taxes.
Yet, few of us want to ponder our end—it feels morbid, awkward, or only causes anxiety. Nevertheless, Scripture reminds us that life is short and as such we should "redeem" (buy up) the time. We should be intentional in how we live—for however long God gives us.
In this episode, we discuss what Scripture says about the shortness of life, why it is important to embrace and ponder our passing, and several practical ways to live boldly in light of our forthcoming death. Simply, to live with our end in mind will change how we live today.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 354
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/354
God used the life and ministry of Stephen Manley profoundly in my life.
My summer traveling with Stephen was a dramatic turning point in my life and the two decades of ministering alongside him has been a rich blessing and joy.
After a battle with brain cancer, Stephen Manley died this week on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.
In this small tribute to his life and death, I reflect on Stephen's life and his desire to be known as a "Jesus Pusher."
Mentioned in the episode:
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 353
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/353
As Christians we are to people of prayer.
In his little gem of a book The Hidden Life of Prayer, David M'Intyre talks about what the prayer life of a believer looks like and gives practical helps and tools to deepen in our intimacy and communion with God.
In this episode, Nathan gives seven takeaways that he gained from the book and gives an important warning at the end about reading books on prayer.
> See Nathan's seven takeaways and a list of all his favorite quotes from the book
Get your copy of The Hidden Life of Prayer (David M. M’Intyre)
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 352
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/352
Ephesians is one of my favorite books in Scripture … and I've been preaching through it for years.
In this episode, we step back and gain a broad 10,000 foot view of Paul's epistle to the Ephesians, the reason he wrote it, the context surrounding it, and important things to take notice of.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 351
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/351
Every christian needs to be in a lifelong process of discipleship.
But it is also important to have seasons where we remove distractions and intentionally pursue the Lord Jesus Christ.
In this episode, I invite you to join me in a season of discipleship—whether online or in person.
Discipleship options mentioned in the episode:
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 350
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/350
Over the past several episodes, we've talked about ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
If you want to grow spiritually and mature in your faith, then you need to start taking sin seriously.
In the final episode of this mini-series, Nathan talks about how putting away sin allows you to grow in your faith and deepen your spiritual life. He also gives several helpful ideas on how to take sin seriously and to turn from it and embrace God’s desire for your life—a life marked by godliness, righteousness, holiness, purity, and truth.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 349
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/349
Over the past several episodes, we've talked about ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
One great way to meditate upon the Word "day and night" (Psalm 1) is to memorize Scripture. When you hide God's Word in your heart it not only keeps your mind saturated within truth but it keeps your focus on Christ and it helps you live victorious over sin (see Psalm 119:9, 11).
In this episode, we discuss how memorizing the Bible is a tremendous way that will help you grow spiritually … and Nathan gives several suggestions on how to get started.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 348
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/348
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
When we know God’s unchanging faithfulness, it enables us to live with greater trust, hope, and confidence in our God and His Word. In order for us to walk by faith (the action of belief), we must stand sure on the character and nature of God.
In this episode, we discuss how knowing God’s faithfulness strengthens and deepens our faith, and in turn, grows our spiritual lives.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 347
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/347
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
If you’ve spent any amount of time in church you’ve likely been told how important it is for believers to be reading and studying God’s Word … our problem is most of us don’t know how or where to start.
In this episode, we talk about how reading and studying the Bible will grow and deepen your spiritual life … with a couple simple ideas to get started.
If you want to go even deeper into this topic:
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 346
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/346
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
The word "evangelism" often causes fear and trembling in many Christians … yet, evangelism (sharing the good news—the Gospel—of Jesus) can be a simple and powerful outlet to declare the hope of Christ that we have.
In this episode, we explore two stories from Scripture that remind us that we don't have to be talented or qualified to evangelize, rather, we need to be willing and surrendered.
Is it possible that you can be so full of truth that you can't help yourself from sharing the beauty, majesty, and power of Jesus and the Gospel? Yes!
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 345
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/345
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
The modern church is passive, weak, and impure; yet, how much of that is a result of our lack of expectancy at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?
If you want to grow spiritually, you need to have "eternity stamped on your eyeballs" and live in light of the Lord's return.
In this episode, we explore nine ways Scripture says we are to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ … and as such, what that means for how we live day-to-day.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 344
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/344
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
Most Christians know that prayer is important and that they should pray more … but how?
One of the best ways to grow in our spiritual lives as believers is to spend intentional time with God in prayer.
In this episode, Nathan gives practical helps on what it means to cultivate a habit of prayer so that we deepen in our intimacy and communion with God.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 343
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/343
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
While Thanksgiving is a tremendous holiday in America, it is supposed to be the everyday lifestyle of the believer.
In this episode, we explore the concept of thanksgiving biblically and discuss how we can abound in thanksgiving at all times and why the action of thanksgiving is so important to our spiritual growth.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 342
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/342
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
If we desire to grow spiritually, we must learn to walk in obedience to God and His Word.
It has been said that God will not lead us further than the last thing He has asked us to obey.
In this episode, we explore the concept of obedience, how even Jesus was obedient to the Father, and how God enables us to obey Him and His Word.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 341
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/341
Over the next several episodes, I want to talk about ten ways that will help you grow spiritually, deepen your intimacy with Jesus, and practically live the authentic Christian life.
In this first study of the series, we examine worship.
Many of us immediately think of "singing" when we hear the word "worship." But worship is far more than hymns and praises—worship is a lifestyle that is based on beholding our God.
Throughout the episode, we examine how beholding and the idea of kissing create a foundation for our understanding of worship, and then talk about three aspects of worship if we want to grow spiritually: the lifestyle, the sacrifice, and the totality of worship.
Join Nathan in this exciting study as we explore how true worship can radically change our lives and press us all the deeper into Christ Jesus.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 340
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/340
The little book of Ruth is one of my favorite books in the Old Testament. Though small, it packs a punch as it shares not only a beautiful romance, but more importantly, points to the ultimate romance of Christ and the Church.
Over the next eight weeks, I am teaching through Ruth—giving insights into its historical and cultural context … but also showing how it applies to our lives and points us to Jesus Christ and the Cross. I invite you to join me by listening to the Daily Thunder Podcast where the teachings will be released (or watch the videos here).
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 339
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/339
As a way to show tribute to Stephen Manley, a good friend and mentor of mine, I am playing a few of my all-time favorite sermons of his that have deeply impacted my life.
In this message, Stephen preaches from Acts 1:8 and discusses Jesus' answer to the disciple's unasked question. We have often called this "the blue sermon"—what does it mean for you to be "blue all over."
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 338
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/338
As a way to show tribute to Stephen Manley, a good friend and mentor of mine, I am playing a few of my all-time favorite sermons of his that have deeply impacted my life.
In this sermon from John 6, Stephen discusses the concept of obsession and what it means to be obsessed with Jesus. This is the heart of Christianity and what we all should be pressing toward in our own walks with Jesus Christ.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 337
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/337
Stephen Manley is a dear friend, mentor, and someone who has had a profound impact on my life and spiritual growth.
I first met Stephen as a teenager when he came and preached at my church, later traveling with him as an intern for a summer, and then worked alongside him in ministry.
Stephen has recently been diagnosed with a severe brain cancer, and as I’ve reflected on his impact on my life over the past twenty years since I interned with him, I wanted to talk about three key things Stephen has taught me that has radically changed my life.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 336
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/336
Throughout this series as we've examined the Hebrew concept of "hesed" (often translated as mercy, lovingkindness, or steadfast love), an unasked question confronts us personally: are we going to live a life of hesed?
If God defines a central aspect of His character and nature with hesed, and now He lives inside of us through His Spirit, shouldn't our lives showcase His hesed to our world?
In this episode, we talk about the reciprocity of hesed, the story of the Good Samaritan, and what it means for us to "live a life of lovingkindness."
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 335
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/335
The Hebrew concept of “hesed” is found all throughout the life and ministry of Jesus. He told it in His parables and He lived it in all He did.
In this study, we examine the story of the “prodigal son” and discover that it really is a story of the “prodigal father”—it is a beautiful picture of the mercy and lovingkindness of God.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 334
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/334
Jesus is Yahweh in the flesh. And because Yahweh God describes Himself as "abounding in hesed (lovingkindness)" this means Jesus is hesed in the flesh! What an amazing reality!
In this episode, Nathan talks about how the Hebrew concept of "hesed" is seen in the New Testament (often translated as "mercy") and examines one specific story in the life of Jesus where He (the God of hesed) goes to the "House of Hesed" to give hesed to a man desperately needing it.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 333
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/333
Is God's mercy, forgiveness, and lovingkindness only for a select few "special" people … or is it available to everyone?
The book of Jonah gives us incredible insight into the heart of God for wicked people. God sends a messenger (Jonah) to the most wicked nation in human history with a message of repentance and judgment. And the moment the city of Nineveh repented, God showed mercy.
In this episode, Nathan takes the concept of hesed (mercy/lovingkindness/steadfast love) and shows how the entire book of Jonah revolves around this incredible theme. In so doing, we discover that God's mercy always triumphs over judgment, if we would but respond to His hesed.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 332
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/332
While we are promised difficulty and trials in this life, as Christians we can stand firm upon the mercy, grace, supply, peace, joy, and life of Jesus Christ. Regardless of the season of life you may be in (good, bad, or ugly), we must remember that God’s hesed (lovingkindness) is still available and surrounds us.
In this episode, Nathan talks about the tremendous reality that even for ancient Israel, God’s hesed was celebrated in every season of life—the good and the difficult—and when we truly understand the hesed of God, we too should cry out “Your hesed (lovingkindness, steadfast love, faithfulness, mercy), O God, endures forever!”
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 331
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/331
Every nation has a national anthem that rallies the troops and reminds its people of their national identity. In ancient Israel, God’s hesed (specifically Exodus 34:6–7) was the celebratory anthem that rallied the people, stirred unity, reminded them of their identity in Yahweh, and exalted His character and nature.
In this episode, Nathan continues his series on God’s hesed (lovingkindness) and how the character of God should also be the anthem of our lives.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 330
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/330
My favorite attribute of God's character and nature is that He abounds in steadfast love. This Hebrew word (hesed) is considered one of the most powerful and profound Hebrew terms, yet is also one of the most difficult words to translate into English.
In this episode, we examine God's hesed (His steadfast love / lovingkindness), and look at Exodus 34 where God reveals the heart and meaning of His name Yahweh … which is seen in His abounding lovingkindness.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 329
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/329
If we are going to understand the nature and character of God, we must understand the basis (foundation) upon which all His attributes are based upon.
In this episode, Nathan talks about God's immutability (God is always the same) and why this is such a profound and foundational concept for our lives and why we must view all of God's attributes in light of it.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 328
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/328
Paul declares that regardless of the season of life you are in or what you may be facing, God's grace is not only amazing but sufficient for what you are facing.
He writes in 2 Corinthians 9:8, "And God is able to make every grace abound to you, so that in everything at every time having every sufficiency, you may have an abundance for every good deed…"
Or as Peter writes in 2 Peter 1:3, you have everything you need for life and godliness in Christ Jesus.
In this episode, we talk about the amazing reality and sufficiency of God's grace in our lives.
» Watch and/or listen to Nathan's new weekly study series – The Grand and Glorious Gospel – on the Ellerslie website or on the Daily Thunder podcast.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 327
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/327
Do you have true peace in every circumstance and trouble and issue in your life?
You can!
As believers, Paul reminds us that we have a peace (God's shalom) that surpasses all understanding available in Christ that will guard our inner life.
In this episode, Nathan talks about this incredible peace and what it means to find it amidst your troubles.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 326
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/326
Corrie ten Boom often said, "Beware the barrenness of a busy life." And if you've ever gone through a full season, you know the difficulty to be intentional in your spiritual life.
But what if every season of life was used to press you all the more to Christ Jesus. That every situation and circumstance would deepen your love, intimacy, and trust in Christ.
In this episode, Nathan talks about what it means to allow Christ to crowd (press) us ever more unto Himself.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 325
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/325
As Christians, we often wait to hear what God tells us to do through His Word, and then decide if we want to obey or not. Yet, we as believers, are called to have a pre-decided yes and have a readiness to respond to anything God asks us, no matter what it is or the cost and inconvenience to our lives.
In this episode, Nathan talks about the proper posture of our souls and a special Hebrew word that conveys our needed response to God.
» Learn more about the upcoming Bible Study Tour with Nathan
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 324
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/324
In this episode, Nathan invites you to join him and Stephen Manley at an upcoming conference this June. He also plays a short excerpt about what it means to be obsessed with God.
» Learn more about Stephen Manley's Training Camp this June
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 323
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/323
All four Gospels declare the “good news” of Jesus Christ, but John’s account (written years after the other three) is seemingly more personal, relational, and filled with the richness of intimacy.
In this episode, Nathan gives an overview and talks about the person, poetry, and passion of John’s Gospel.
» Listen to the other book of the Bible overviews on the NRJohnson Sermon Podcast
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 322
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/322
The beauty of the Christian life is that we live in what scholars often call the “now and not yet.”
In other words, while we have salvation and redemption NOW, there is also a waiting and longing for our future (completed) salvation and redemption.
Throughout Scripture, salvation is used in all three tenses: we were saved (past), are being saved (present), and will be saved (future).
In this episode, Nathan talks about the three tenses of our salvation and how we can find the beauty and profundity in our “now and not yet” lives.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 321
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/321
Due to the continued conflict in Israel, we switched our November study tour to an Early Church Bible Study Tour in Turkey ("Asia Minor"). Consider joining me this November in a study tour in Ephesus, Colossae, Laodicea, and many other New Testament locations.
» Learn more about the upcoming Bible Study Tour
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 320
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/320
Many Christians know that memorizing the Bible is helpful and important, but few of us do it.
In this episode, Nathan talks about a few benefits of memorizing God's Word and gives some encouragement on how to get started.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 319
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/319
Joshua 1:8 commands us “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
Biblical meditation is drastically different from New Age meditation. In biblical meditation, we are to fill up, ponder, consider, and think upon God's Word, His works, His life, the Cross, and the Gospel. In short, we should continually think upon Christ and His Word.
In this episode, Nathan discusses the concept of biblical meditation, why its so important to our spiritual lives, and gives four ideas to get you started.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 318
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/318
There is a two-fold reality and position in every believer's life—we are IN Christ and He is IN us.
And this changes everything.
In this episode, Nathan discusses the two positions of a Christian's life and how that relates to being a new creature in Christ Jesus and clothed with His garment of salvation and righteousness.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 317
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/317
The Christian life is supposed to grow, deepen, and mature in Christ over time.
Yet, far too many believers have stalled in their spiritual lives and are unsure how to progress forward. In this replay of a webinar Nathan gave, he discusses five specific ways to grow spiritually and how you can thrive in Christ Jesus in this season of your life.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 316
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/316
Discipleship is not something we accomplish and then move on to the next thing; rather, biblical discipleship is a lifelong pursuit of Christ, growing in our understanding and relationship with Him, and being conformed to His image.
The concept of discipleship is akin to an apprentice that takes on not just the knowledge but the lifestyle of the one to whom they are following – in our case, God Himself. We are to become Christlike … not through self-effort or talent, but through the indwelling of the very life of Christ (i.e., the Holy Spirit).
One great way to continue your lifelong pursuit of Christ is have an intentional plan to grow in Christ. Here are two great options I’d highly recommend:
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 315
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/315
I've been reading through Leonard Ravenhill's biography (In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill by Mack Tomlinson) and have been deeply stirred by the life Ravenhill lived and the passion he had for prayer and revival.
In this episode, I give several quotes from the book about Leonard's passion for prayer and examine what it means for us to be men and women of prayer in the days in which we live.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 314
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/314
Many Christians start a Bible reading plan at the first of the year … but we often miss one important thing while reading the Bible.
In this episode, Nathan gives a fresh reminder on the one thing we should be most aware of as we read through Scripture this year.
Don't have a Bible reading plan? Here are some helps to get started:
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 313
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/313
Happy New Year!
Being a new year, many of us are writing down our resolutions and dreams for this year. Yet, as Christians, we need to rethink resolutions and goal setting and consider if there is a better way.
In this special New Year’s edition of the Deeper Christian Podcast, my good friend Dan McConnaughey talks about new year resolutions and how we can resolve to live as Christians this year.
*This is a reprise of episode 141 from December 2019.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 312
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/312
How can Christians live with continual peace, joy, and calm? How can we as believers NOT be anxious or worried about anything?
Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:6 that there is no reason for worry, fear, or anxiety and instead commands Christians to be “anxious for nothing.”
And Paul isn't the only one—hundreds of passages throughout Scripture exhort us not to fear, worry, be anxious, forebode, fret, or panic.
More than a reminder not to fear, Paul also gives us the secret to live without fear.
*This is a reprise of episode 240 from March 2022.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 311
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/311
When the angels appeared to the shepherds, they declared that a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger was a "sign."
This sign was a declaration of what Jesus was going to do (and be) at the Cross.
In this episode, we talk about Luke 2 and the marvelous sign of Christmas.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 310
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/310
The Christmas season is a wonderful reminder of how undeserving we are that the God of the universe came to dwell among and within us.
The picture of Jesus born in a stable is one of my favorite meditations during Christmas. Just as He was willing to be born in a place of muck and mire, so too, He is willing to come within the muck and sin of my life.
But the profundity of the Gospel is that while He is willing to be born in a stable known as humanity, He refuses to leave us that way. We are to be built up as a temple of the Holy Spirit, clean, pure, and holy—fit for His use.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 309
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/309
While Jesus does give us life (eternal life!), the beautiful reality of Scripture is that the life He gives is not "something" but Himself.
He is our life, as Paul declares in Colossians 3:4 …and John goes on to write that we are to live through Him (1 John 4:9).
In this episode, we talk about what it means for Jesus to not merely give us life, but to be our life. I also mention a new series that has launched "Life in the Word" on the Daily Thunder Podcast as I walk through a study on our life in the Word—the living Word (Jesus) and the written Word (Scripture).
Join me in my new Daily Thunder series Life in the Word.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 308
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/308
God gave Himself for us to showcase His marvelous redemption in our lives. He bought us out of captivity to sin and darkness and has purified us for Himself. And just as God is our inheritance so too we have become His.
In this study, we examine God’s grand redemption which Paul wrote about in Titus 2:14 and we discover that God wants to use us to showcase His life, love, and Gospel to the world around us … He wants to work the “poetry” of the Gospel through our lives and use us to once again be image bearers of Himself to the world.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 307
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/307
Scripture makes it abundantly clear that the attitude, mindset, and language of a Christian is to be marked by thanksgiving.
While we as a culture may celebrate a day of thanksgiving once a year, the life of a believer is always marked by it.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 306
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/306
Jesus Christ is returning soon.
While we patiently await His return, how are we supposed to live now?
In this fourth study from Titus 2:11–15 we talk about how to "look for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ" and give nine biblical ways we can practically “hope” and have an eager expectancy for the Lord's Return.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 305
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/305
Christians have been radically transformed and conformed to the image of Christ. We are brand new creatures in Christ who are now to live completely different than the world around us.
And the amazing reality of the Gospel is that God’s grace, through His Holy Spirit, enables us to live as we ought – even in the present day in which we live.
In this third study from Titus 2:11–15 we talk about how God’s grace is training, disciplining, and enabling us to walk as genuine Christians – with self-control, righteousness, and godliness.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 304
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/304
For Christians, it is far too easy to live, think, and talk like the world around us—yet Paul tell us those are the things we are to deny and reject. As Christians, we are called to live set apart and different than the world around us.
In this second study from Titus 2:11–15 we talk about how God's grace is training, disciplining, and enabling us to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and now genuinely live as Christians. We have been born again and we are brand new creations in Christ Jesus.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 303
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/303
When we truly understand the depth and richness of God's grace, it no longer becomes a cliché to call it "amazing."
In part one of a new series examining Titus 2:11–15, we talk about the missing aspects of God's manifold grace and specifically discuss three things Paul tells us about God's grace in Titus 2.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 302
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/302
With all that is going on in Israel the past two weeks, here are seven key ways we can pray:
1. Pray for peace
2. Pray for protection
3. Pray for comfort
4. Pray for the furtherance of Gospel
5. Pray for the repentance of the terrorists
6. Pray for hostages
7. Pray for leadership and wisdom
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 301
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/301
For many believers, we have become distracted from what Paul calls the "simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:3). In short, we are too easily preoccupied with everything but Jesus … even if it is good and godly things.
As we celebrate our 300th episode, we talk about the single most important thing—the truth that Jesus is all and He is to preeminent and first place in our lives.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 300
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/300
As Christians, we are called to be image bearers of the Living God — we are to showcase His life to the world. In short, we are to bear His Name well.
In Scripture, there are two critical passages concerning what it means to bear God's name—the Ten Commandments and the command to not take God’s Name in vain, and Jesus’ model prayer to “hallow” the Name of God.
In this episode, we listen to a portion of the final study in my "Behold Our God" series, looking at the majesty and loveliness of Christ through the Names of God. In the second half of the message, we discuss what it means to bear God’s Name rightly in our lives (and the secret to do so), how to “hallow” (keep His Name holy), and what it actually means to not take His Name in vain (it’s far more than swearing).
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 299
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/299
Leonard Ravenhill once said, "As long as we are content to live without revival, we will." And Ravenhill was not content to live without it, so he exhorted the Church to prayer. He once said, "The man who can get believers to praying would, under God, usher in the greatest revival that the world has ever known."
This same passion and earnestness was seen in J. Edwin Orr, a preacher who was earnest for revival and prayer.
In this episode, we listen to a powerful message Orr preached on the role and importance of unity in prayer that brings for revival. This message will give you a vision for the importance of prayer and the necessity of revival in our day.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 298
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/298
In our day, it is seemingly difficult to risk everything for the glory and Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We hold back. We shy away. We desire to live "all out" for Jesus but it tends to be all about ourselves rather than all about Him.
Henry Varley once said, “The world has yet to see what God can do through a man who is totally yielded to Him.” Those words captivated D.L. Moody and he declared, “By the Grace of God, I will be that man!”
Yet I strongly believe that the world has STILL yet to see what God can do through a man or woman who is fully surrendered and yielded to Christ.
In this episode, we talk about what it would mean for us to risk everything for the glory of Jesus.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 297
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/297
God will lead us into His will—and He knows how to speak in such a way that you "get it" and hear clearly enough to follow His lead. Though He may not tell us where He is leading us, He will always give us light for another step—even if it feels like He is leading us backward.
In this episode, we continue to talk about God's calling in our lives, how He leads us into His will, and His desire for us to trust Him as we walk in faith and dependency.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 296
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/296
Every believer in Christ Jesus has a distinct calling in their life … and Paul says that we are to walk worthy of that calling (Ephesians 4:1).
But what is the calling in our lives that we are to walk worthy of?
In this episode, Nathan expounds on Paul's words in Ephesians and clarifies our high calling in Christ Jesus.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 295
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/295
I mentioned in the last episode that I'm preaching through a series called Behold Our God focusing on the Names of God and how they declare the majesty of Jesus Christ.
One of our God’s Names is “Jealous”—and while that may sound negative, it is actually an absolutely amazing thing. Though we often see jealousy as a destructive attribute, often motivated by insecurity or anger, Scripture reveals that jealousy is a profound aspect of God’s character.
In this episode, we listen to a previous message by Nathan on the Name "Qanna" (Jealous) and discuss why jealousy in relationships is essential and explain why we must understand this attribute biblically.
By the end, you will discover the beauty and benefit of this Name of God (Jealous) and learn why God’s jealousy is absolutely amazing.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 294
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/294
The Names of God showcase His attributes, life, and nature.
When God reveals His Names, He invites us to know Him more deeply, grow in our relationship with Him, and to see the wonder and majesty of Christ—the One who fulfills and showcases every Name.
In this episode, we are introduced to the concept of "names" in the Bible, and how you can discover the wonder and majesty of Christ through the Names of God.
Links mentioned in the episode:
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 293
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/293
We all go through busy (and/or crazy) seasons at some point in our lives.
When we face such seasons, how do we survive, and better yet thrive, in Jesus during those times?
In this episode, we discuss five important reminders that we all need during those busy or crazy seasons of life …
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 292
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/292
As I wrap up a season of conferences and travel, I reach back into some of my favorite messages by my two mentors: Eric Ludy and Stephen Manley.
In this message, Stephen Manley talks about the "unasked question" that the disciples should have asked Jesus when He rose from the dead.
Focused on Acts 1:8, this powerful and stirring sermon is what I lovingly call "The Blue Sermon."
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 291
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/291
Stephen Manley is a good friend and spiritual mentor.
In what may be my favorite sermon of his, Stephen talks about what it means to be obsessed with Jesus … and gives some tremendous illustrations to show that we were made to be obsessed, the real question is "what are we going to be obsessed with?"
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 290
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/290
I'm in the midst of conference season for the next couple of weeks, and as such I thought it would be fun to play a couple messages by two of my good friends and mentors: Eric Ludy and Stephen Manley.
In this episode, Eric Ludy shares a vision for Christianity and explains how we in the modern church have lost "majesty." But just as some extinct animals are reportedly sighted, true Christianity is still possible and can be "sighted" in the world today.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 289
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/289
In the last episode, we talked about 11 ways to grow spiritually strong this summer, and I mention reading great Christian biographies.
I often talk about the importance of reading Christian biographies as a way to see God's faithfulness and movement in His people throughout history.
And over the years, I've given a variety of lists of my favorite Christian biographies, but in this episode, I want to suggest nine titles for you to consider reading this summer. While there is some overlap, I think these nine Christian biographies are important to read for the days in which we live.
Also, consider downloading a list of recommended reading (classic Christian books and other great biographies). While the list needs to be updated, it will give you a great starting point.
You can also check out the seven-part series of "Greatest Biographies" that I did with Eric Ludy on the Daily Thunder Podcast.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 288
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/288
Summer is often the season that we coast, grow passive, and go with the flow.
But what if we leveraged the upcoming summer season to intentionally pursue Jesus and grow spiritually stronger than we are now?!
In this episode, we discuss eleven ways that you can use the summer to grow spiritually strong, know Jesus more intimately, and understand the Bible more deeply.
Links mentioned in the episode:
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 287
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/287
Christians are to have a unique set of "clothes" (a lifestyle) which entirely different than the world around them.
In this episode, we listen to a recent sermon by Nathan Johnson on the clothing of a Christian (from Ephesians 4:17-24) and discover what it means to put off our former way of living (like the world) and to put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
NOTE: in the sermon, there are a couple of spots where the audio cuts out … but we still felt the message was understandable and important. We apologize for the distraction.
» Watch/listen to Nathan's Daily Thunder series Clothing of a Christian for a deeper dive into these concepts.
Get your copy of Saturation Bible Study and discover the adventure of knowing Jesus through His Word
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 286
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/286
This is not a tourist trip! While we do explore the main sites, we spend much of our time away from the tourists as we walk the land, climb mountains, and learn about Scripture in the places it happened!
I love experiencing the Bible "on location"—the Word deepens and becomes more profound when you see it in light of its cultural, historical, and geographical context.
And these Bible Study Tours in Israel combine several of my favorite things:
You can find all the details for the next trip at deeperChristian.com/israel.
I encourage you to prayerfully consider joining me next March as we seek the Lord and study the Bible together in the Holy Land. I'd love to have you there.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 285
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/285
We, as Christians, are called to continually abide in the True Vine (Jesus Christ).
But how can we abide in Him regardless of the circumstance we face? How do we abide in times of trouble, trials, tribulation, or temptation?
In this episode, we examine five practical ways to abide in Christ regardless of what you may be going through.
Get your copy of Saturation Bible Study and discover the adventure of knowing Jesus through His Word
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 284
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/284
In John 15, Jesus gives His final I AM statement and boldly declares that He is the True Vine — the only source of life for the branch … and apart from Him you can do nothing.
In this episode, we examine Jesus' statement of being the True Vine and give three implications for what that means for us as branches abiding in Him.
Get your copy of Saturation Bible Study and discover the adventure of knowing Jesus through His Word
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 283
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/283
In the upper room scene with His disciples, Jesus explains the focus and goal of everything: Himself. He says that He alone is the way, the truth, and the life.
In this episode, we explore John 14 and what it means for Jesus to be THE way, THE truth, and THE life. Simply, we must center our lives on Christ and allow Him to be the focus of everything in our lives.
Get your copy of Saturation Bible Study and discover the adventure of knowing Jesus through His Word
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 282
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/282
After years of waiting … Saturation Bible Study is finally available as a physical book, ebook, audiobook, and a quickstart course.
I am so excited for you to get a copy of this incredible resource that will help you experience and know Jesus intimately, grow in your spiritual life, and understand God's Word as it transforms your life.
For a limited time, we are discounting the price of the book on Amazon, giving a $10 discount off the Quickstart Bundle if you buy a physical copy first, and offering $300 worth of bonuses when you buy the Bundle.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 281
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/281
Jesus does not merely give us resurrection and life … He IS our resurrection and life.
This profound truth is the undercurrent of Jesus' I AM statement to Martha in John 11 facing the death of Lazarus.
In this episode, we explore John 11 and what it means for Jesus to be the resurrection, how resurrection is far more than a future hope or event, and why it should be the present reality of our lives today.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 280
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/280
Jesus is the best, most competent, genuine, and abled Shepherd.
In this episode, Nathan discusses Jesus’ I AM statement in John 10 about being the GOOD Shepherd and gives four amazing realities of what that means for our relationship with Him.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 279
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/279
Jesus is the gate (door) of the sheep!
In this episode, Nathan discusses John 10 and five practical realities of what it means to the sheep (us) for Jesus to be the gate.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 278
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/278
Jesus is the LIGHT!
In the midst of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus stands up and declares "I AM the Light of the world; he who follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
This declaration compounds by the large menorahs shining bright in the city of Jerusalem throughout the Feast.
In this episode, Nathan discusses the Feast of Tabernacles, the Old Testament picture of God as light, and how Jesus fulfills the reality of being the Light of Life. But in the end, we are confronted with the truth that while we may think we have religious "light," we are actually walking around blind because we haven't fully embraced Jesus.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 277
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/277
Jesus is the BREAD OF LIFE!
Jesus begins the seven I AM statements of Jesus in the gospel of John by declaring He is the bread of life.
Reaching back into the manna in the wilderness, Jesus reinterprets and clarifies that the daily provision the Israelites experienced is to now be Him.
In this episode, Nathan discusses the context for Jesus' statement in connection to the manna in the wilderness and explains that Jesus is far superior—He is the bread of life itself.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 276
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/276
Jesus is in the "present tense!"
Throughout the Gospel of John, he records seven "I AM" statements of Jesus, all of which bespeak of life … and are in the present tense. This is a profound truth for us as it reminds us that Jesus is not merely bread, light, life, resurrection, salvation, and a Good Shepherd 2000 years ago … He is still those things for us today.
In this episode, Nathan gives an overview of the upcoming series on the I AM statements of Jesus in the book of John, and focuses specifically on Jesus being in the present tense.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 275
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/275
In this episode, Nathan does a quick review of 2022 and a major project he's been working on and mentions two upcoming launches he is excited for in the next couple of months.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 274
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/274
Paul, at the beginning of the book of Titus, calls himself a slave and apostle.
Though we often misunderstand both concepts, they tell us that Paul was fully under the authority and direction of Jesus Christ.
In this episode, we listen to a recent sermon by Nathan from the book of Titus which compels us to fully rely and depend upon Jesus in our lives.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 273
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/273
Though we recently celebrated the Advent of the first coming of Christ, we mustn't forget to long and anticipate His second coming.
In this episode, we listen to a recent sermon by Nathan which examines the story of Simeon blessing baby Jesus and how Simeon's expectancy for the Messiah should be the same as our today waiting for His return.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 272
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/272
Jesus is the focus and foundation of the entire storyline of Scripture.
In this episode, we examine an Old Testament passage that foreshadows the return of Jesus Christ.
This special Christophany series is in partnership with Ellerslie’s Daily Thunder Podcast. In Daily Thunder, Nathan is teaching through a series called The Storyline of Scripture and then dives even deeper on this podcast to show one of his favorite Christophanies from that part of God’s Word.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 271
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/271
Jesus is the focus and foundation of the entire storyline of Scripture.
In this episode, we examine the strategic locations where God fulfills His mission—from Abraham in the Promised Land to Jesus in Capernaum to Paul in Ephesus. We also discover how this profound truth applies to our calling to fulfill the commission of Christ.
This special Christophany series is in partnership with Ellerslie’s Daily Thunder Podcast. In Daily Thunder, Nathan is teaching through a series called The Storyline of Scripture and then dives even deeper on this podcast to show one of his favorite Christophanies from that part of God’s Word.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 270
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/270
Jesus is the focus and foundation of the entire storyline of Scripture.
In this episode, we examine the birth of Jesus and look at two aspects of how the incarnation declares the wonder of the Gospel.
This special Christophany series is in partnership with Ellerslie’s Daily Thunder Podcast. In Daily Thunder, Nathan is teaching through a series called The Storyline of Scripture and then dives even deeper on this podcast to show one of his favorite Christophanies from that part of God’s Word.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 269
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/269
Jesus is the focus and foundation of the entire storyline of Scripture. We have called these glimpses of Jesus (specifically in the Old Testament) “Christophanies.”
In this episode, we examine the Old Testament prophecies and see how Jesus has perfectly fulfilled them.
» See the entire list of Messianic prophecies mentioned in this episode.
This special Christophany series is in partnership with Ellerslie’s Daily Thunder Podcast. In Daily Thunder, Nathan is teaching through a series called The Storyline of Scripture and then dives even deeper on this podcast to show one of his favorite Christophanies from that part of God’s Word.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 268
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/268
Jesus is seen on every page of the Bible. He is the focus and foundation of the entire storyline of Scripture. We have called these glimpses of Jesus (specifically in the Old Testament) “Christophanies.”
In this episode, we examine the life of Moses and the people of Israel during the Wilderness Wanderings and show how two key stories point to the grand truth of the Cross of Christ.
This special Christophany series is in partnership with Ellerslie’s Daily Thunder Podcast. In Daily Thunder, Nathan is teaching through a series called The Storyline of Scripture and then dives even deeper on this podcast to show one of his favorite Christophanies from that part of God’s Word.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 267
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/267
Jesus is seen on every page of the Bible. He is the focus and foundation of the entire storyline of Scripture. We have called these glimpses of Jesus (specifically in the Old Testament) “Christophanies.”
In this episode, we examine the life of Abraham—specifically the sacrifice of his son Isaac—and show how it is a shadow and glimpse of the grand sacrifice of THE sacrificial lamb, Jesus Christ.
This special Christophany series is in partnership with Ellerslie’s Daily Thunder Podcast. In Daily Thunder, Nathan is teaching through a series called The Storyline of Scripture and then dives even deeper on this podcast to show one of his favorite Christophanies from that part of God’s Word.
» Join the Deeper Christian community and receive the Deeper Digest each Saturday, which includes all the quotes, articles, podcasts, and resources from Nathan and Deeper Christian from the week to help you grow spiritually.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 266
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/266
Jesus is seen on every page of the Bible. He is the focus and foundation of the entire storyline of Scripture.
We have called these glimpses of Jesus (specifically in the Old Testament) "Christophanies."
Over the next seven episodes, we are partnering with Ellerslie's Daily Thunder Podcast to show glimpses of Jesus throughout all of Scripture. In Daily Thunder, Nathan is teaching through a series called The Storyline of Scripture and then dives even deeper on this podcast to show one of his favorite Christophanies from that part of God's Word.
In this episode, we dive into the creation account and discover that God has declared the Gospel and the amazing truth of our need for Jesus Christ.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 265
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/265
While there are countless hours of biblical content you can listen to each week, here are some of my top recommended podcasts to help you grow deeper in your spiritual life that I either participate in or listen to regularly.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 264
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/264
The writer of Hebrews reminds us that we are to pray for our brothers and sisters facing difficulty, persecution, and imprisonment (see Hebrews 13:1-3).
In this episode, we discuss four apps that help us be more aware of the needs facing the Persecuted Church and to pray for the world.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 263
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/263
Brother Andrew declared at the end of his life that if he could go back and do it over again, he would be "a lot more radical."
If Brother Andrew, someone I would have described as living a radical life, would say he wanted to be more radical, how much more us in the church today.
In this episode, I want to discuss three practical ways we can become more radical in our Christian lives.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 262
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/262/
Brother Andrew passed away this past week (September 27, 2022) at age 94. This man of God is best known for his work smuggling Bibles past the Iron Curtain, as recorded in the incredible book God Smuggler.
Though Brother Andrew is gone, his legacy and the exhortation of his life remain.
In this episode, we remember his life and are exhorted to live a radical Christian life.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 261
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/261/
For many people in the modern church, the Gospel is unknowingly missing a key piece. They believe Jesus came to earth, died, and rose again, but that is where most of them stop the Gospel. But the Gospel is SO MUCH MORE.
In this episode, we talk about what the missing piece of the Gospel is and how significant it is to our understanding of Scripture and the power of God in our lives.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 260
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/260/
Have you pondered your great salvation lately?
Too many Christians nod at what God has done in the past to save them but rarely ponder the fact that God is our salvation every day of our lives.
In this episode, Nathan talks about Hebrews 2:3 and how we are not to "neglect so great salvation" and reminds us to cherish Christ's grand work of salvation in our lives.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 259
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/259/
Our God is a jealous God, and that is actually a good thing.
Though we often see jealousy as a negative and destructive attribute, we discover throughout Scripture that jealousy is an amazing aspect of God’s character.
In this episode, Nathan discusses why jealousy in relationships is essential and explains why we must understand this attribute biblically. By the end, you will discover the beauty and benefit of jealousy and learn why God’s jealousy is a really good thing.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 258
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/258/
The Bible has endless connections and references to itself.
The New Testament often references the Old, the Old is pointing to the New, and there are similar concepts and phrases mentioned throughout that allude and presume a relationship with another. Many Bibles come with a column of simple cross-reference notes, but the best Bible cross-reference system is the one you create.
In this episode, Nathan talks about the importance of cross-references in Scripture and how you can create your own easy but profound system.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 257
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/257/
The Bible is unlike any other book in the world, for not only is the Author alive, He lives inside Christians through the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. This radically changes our engagement with Scripture! You can now read, study, memorize, and meditate upon God’s Word WITH Him.
In this episode, Nathan discusses why you should never engage Scripture unless you do so with the Author, and he also give you two key practicals that you can implement to help you study Scripture with the Author.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 256
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/256/
As you read and study the Bible, it is important to remember that it is not written in chronological order, but rather grouped in sections.
In this episode, Nathan discusses a simple way to understand the structure of Scripture and provides two reminders that help us engage with Scripture in our reading and Bible study.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 255
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/255/
While there are better Bible translations than others, when you engage in Bible study, I strongly encourage you to use more than one translation.
In this episode, I explain why, show two examples of how different translations clue you into what is happening in the passage, and give some suggested translations to utalize in your Bible study adventure.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 254
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/254/
While we are called to read and study God's Word, we are only to have one posture when we approach it. In this episode, we examine three ways in which believers often come to Scripture and show how there is only one proper position we must take—a posture of humility, submission, and obedience.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 253
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/253/
While we should read, meditate, memorize, and study the Bible, we must remember that merely reading the Bible is not the same as studying it. Join Nathan in this episode as he explains why we must not only read the Bible for breadth, but study it for depth.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 252
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/252/
In this episode, I extend an invitation to join me in a new Bible study on altars and idols. For Daily Thunder (a teaching/preaching podcast with Ellerslie Discipleship Training), I'll be speaking each Tuesday and Thursday for the next fourteen weeks in a series I'm calling "Soul Drift."
It is so easy for us to be enamored with the things of this world that we fail to realize that we have drifted from our first love, Jesus Christ.
If you are interested in subscribing to the podcast so you can hear either my "Soul Drift" series or my good friend Eric Ludy's series on "Spiritual Lessons from World War One" – you can do so here:
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 251
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/251/
Proverbs calls us to seek wisdom in the same way we would seek silver, gold, or hidden treasure.
But the WAY we pursue wisdom, knowledge, and discernment is critical.
In this episode, we explore the call to wisdom but more importantly, the secret to obtaining it. By contrasting Adam and Eve with King Solomon we discover several contrasts and insights that illuminate how to obtain wisdom.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 250
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/250/
In this classic message, Vance Havner talks about what true repentance is and our desperate need to live lives of repentance.
On an exciting note, the Bravehearted Voices Podcast has relaunched and we'd love to have you join us in listening to classic sermons from yesteryear each week. » Learn more about the Bravehearted Voices Podcast.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 249
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/249/
Are you anguished and burdened over your sin and over the problems in your family, church, and world? Pastor David Wilkerson uses the story of Nehemiah anguished over the walls of Jerusalem to exhort us unto anguish. This powerful message is sure to convict, encourage, and stir you toward Christ.
» Learn more about the Bravehearted Voices Podcast.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 248
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/248/
Just as a grain of wheat must die in order to spring forth a harvest, so too we are called to die in order to live. In this classic sermon, Major Ian Thomas gives one of his most popular messages A Grain of Wheat.
» Learn more about the Bravehearted Voices Podcast.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 247
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/247/
In this classic sermon, Leonard Ravenhill talks about what true revival is and how we desperately need the presence of God in our lives, churches, and world.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 246
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/246/
Far too many Christians casually pursue Christ—making Him an “add-on” to their lives, rather than the center of it.
Scripture is clear that as believers, we must diligently seek after and pursue the Lord. The heart of Christianity is to love the Lord with ALL (our heart, mind, soul, and strength). The call is for all.
In this episode, we explore the concept of seeking the Lord—not as a casual observer, but as the passion and delight and obsession of our lives.
** Last week I asked for your help to decide on the summer teaching Bible study series. All it will take is about 10 seconds and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Link: https://forms.gle/3TUDzqN2gkMXQpDq6
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 245
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/245/
I'm gearing up for this summer's Bible Study series for Daily Thunder and would LOVE your help in deciding which topic to teach on.
In this episode, I talk about my three choices (see the options in the form link) and ask for 10 seconds for you to give me your thoughts by using this Google form link: https://forms.gle/3TUDzqN2gkMXQpDq6
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 244
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/244/
In our modern-day, it is easy to get wrapped up in the hype and fervor of worship, study, podcasts, and other means of understanding and approaching God … forgetting that it is not about joining the hype of a moment or crowd but rather about placing our hope in Him.
There is only one thing that is unshakable, immovable, and sure—the hope we have in Christ.
While originally given in reference to the cultural "hype" entering into Resurrection Sunday (Easter), this message is applicable year-round as we choose to keep Jesus as our hope, not our hype.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 243
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/243/
There is a certain look of boldness and fearlessness. It's not a swagger or strut, it's a gaze of the soul at the Almighty God.
The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom and truth—and commands us to seek wisdom and guard it in our lives. And there is rich benefit for those who do … the promise is that when you seek sound wisdom then it will be life to your soul and you will not be afraid.
In these days filled with foreboding and fretting, we must have the gaze of boldness. In this episode, Nathan discusses Proverbs 3 and how we need a steadfast grip on wisdom and truth if we desire to be fearless and bold regardless of what swirls around us.
» Learn more about Arise Collective Theatre and their musical "Pilgrim"
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 242
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/242/
God is clear—He Himself has said to us, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
If we took these words to heart, we'd realize that there is absolutely no reason to walk in fear, worry, or anxiety.
Join Nathan in this episode as we unpack Hebrews 13:5-6 and explain WHY you don't have to fear any longer. God gives us profound truth and hope regardless of the circumstance or situations we find ourselves in.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 241
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/241/
Christians are to be marked by peace, joy, and calm. We are to be anxious and worried about nothing.
But how? How can we as believers live amidst a chaotic world with a joyful serenity and peace?
Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:6 that there is no reason to be anxious and instead commands us to be "anxious for nothing." Likewise, hundreds of passages throughout Scripture exhort us not to fear, worry, be anxious, forebode, fret, or panic.
More than a reminder not to fear, Paul also gives us the secret to live without fear.
» Listen to the Christian Mindset series from Philippians 4:4-9
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 240
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/240/
The world is pushing a message of doom and gloom. News, articles, and casual conversations are giving endless bait for fear, worry, and anxiety. What is a Christian to do?
In this episode, we discuss four ways to solve your fear and anxiety. You weren’t made to carry the weight of the world or the burdens of life—they will crush you. This is all the more reason we need the strength, peace, and empowerment of Jehovah Shalom, the “God of peace,” in our lives.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 239
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/239/
God doesn’t merely give us peace … He is our peace.
In these crazy and dark days in which we live, many people are living in great fear, anxiety, worry, foreboding, and stress. Yet, Jesus promises to be our peace and to guard our hearts and minds—regardless of the circumstance or situation swirling around us.
In this episode, we examine the character and Name of God “Jehovah Shalom”—the God of Peace—and discuss what it means to have the One who is peace itself residing within our lives.
» Receive the Deeper Christian quotes in your inbox either daily or once a week on Saturdays
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 238
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/238/
Paul commands us to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16).
Yet for too many of us, the Bible is an add-on to our lives, not the center of our hearts, minds, words, and actions.
In this episode, we talk about what it means for the Word of God to dwell in us abundantly and how it in turn should bubble forth out of our lives to the world around us.
» Join Nathan in an in-depth Christ-centered study of the book of Colossians
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 237
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/237/
In the past two episodes, I've shared a burden that's been growing concerning the distracted culture in which we live. But Paul declares that Jesus is to have first place in every area of our lives—He alone is preeminent.
This burden built up and spilled forth as a sermon I preached from Colossians 1:18. Since it is in the same vein as the previous two episodes, I thought it would be good to share it on the podcast.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 236
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/236/
We live in a world full of distraction, information, and a demand for more. Yet too many of us no longer know how to think, let alone know where to go for wisdom.
I recently read the book The Wisdom Pyramid: Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World by Brett McCracken, and it fits so well with the last episode (#234: Four Warnings for This Year) that I decided to do a simple book review/overview to discuss the importance of finding our wisdom in the proper order (as McCracken argues).
McCracken summarizes the current cultural dilemma with information and social media as three key problems:
His solution, what he calls the “Wisdom Pyramid,” is a practical illustration to remind us where the primary sources of wisdom come from. Like the 1990s food pyramid, the Wisdom Pyramid tells us that our primary source of wisdom and truth must come from Scripture. And as you go higher up the pyramid, that input should have less authority and influence—ending with the internet and social media (ie: we should be getting the least, if any, of our truth from that source).
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 235
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/235/
As I've reflected over the start of the new year, I've been convicted.
It is far too easy these days to be passive and lazy, numbed by distraction, and lackluster in our Christian living.
So if you want to grow spiritually, understand God's Word, and thrive in intimacy with Jesus Christ more than ever before, you must heed these four warnings this year.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 234
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/234/
Psalm 143:9 is a plea unto the Lord for refuge and security because the Psalmist hid himself in God.
In the culture and days in which we live, we too need to find our hiding place in the Lord—or as the New Testament commands, we are to find our position "IN Christ."
In this special episode, we talk about Psalm 143:9 and listen to a short Bravehearted Thot by David Wilkerson called "I Will Veil Myself in You"—exhorting us to place our hope, trust, and confidence in the character and nature of our God.
If you are looking to start a book study this year, join Nathan in a study of Colossians. This fourteen-session study will not only give you an overview of Colossians but also teach you to know how to study a book through study guides, session notes, and other bonuses—all for free.
» Join Nathan in a study of Colossians
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 233
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/233/
There are many benefits to studying a book of the Bible, but many people overlook five key things as they begin their studies.
In this episode, Nathan talks about the five things you should look for when you study a book of the Bible … which will help you know the book better and study it deeper.
If you are looking to start a book study this year, join Nathan in a study of Colossians. This fourteen-session study will not only give you an overview of Colossians but also teach you to know how to study a book through study guides, session notes, and other bonuses—all for free.
» Join Nathan in a study of Colossians
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 232
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/232/
Next week I am starting a fourteen-part study of Paul’s letter to the Colossians and would love to have you join me in the study!
Whether you want to learn how to study a book of the Bible or experience the rich depth and truths of God’s Word through Colossians, this study will focus on the preeminence of Jesus Christ and how our lives are to be conformed to the image of Christ.
If you are interested in receiving the study guides for this powerful study, you can do so by clicking the link below.
» Receive the Colossians Study Guides + Audios
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 231
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/231/
God delights in new beginnings.
As we start a new year, we need to remember our God is the “God of new beginnings” – and allow Him to push a reset button on our lives and make this year one of the best, most intimate, most victorious years of our lives.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 230
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/230/
In this special episode, we look at three ways to begin this new year: remember, repent, and refocus.
Don’t just rush into this new year without looking back, looking forward, and most importantly looking up.
» Download the mentioned bonus "Holy Club of Oxford" questions as a PDF
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 229
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/229/
The advent of Christ's coming is here … and in this special mini-series, we celebrate the birth (first coming) and the return (second coming) of our King Jesus.
In this episode, we talk about the soon coming advent of our King—the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 227
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/227/
The advent of Christ's coming is here … and in this special mini-series, we celebrate the birth (first coming) and the return (second coming) of our King Jesus.
In this episode, we talk about three realities of what it means for Jesus to be born in the flesh and what it practically means for how we live our lives today.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 226
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/226/
The advent of Christ's coming is here … and in this special mini-series, we celebrate the birth (first coming) and the return (second coming) of our King Jesus.
In this episode, we discuss the "sign of the Savior" as given to the shepherds by the angel on the night Jesus was born.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 225
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/225/
The advent of Christ's coming is here … and in this special mini-series, we celebrate the birth (first coming) and the return (second coming) of our King Jesus.
In this episode, we explore the profundity of Jesus being born in a stable and how this is a grand portrayal of the Gospel.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 224
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/224/
While many believers esteem a life of thanksgiving, we don’t know how to actually live it.
In this episode, Nathan talks about four practical ways we as Christians can live a life of thanksgiving every day of our lives.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 223
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/223/
While Americans celebrate the holiday next week, Biblically we as Christians are called to lives of thanksgiving every single day.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson discusses six things the Bible says about thanksgiving which will help you move from a celebration once a year to a continual life of joy and thanks.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 222
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/222/
Our mouths declare what is in our hearts.
Biblically, we are told that thanksgiving is to be the constant reality of a Christian—because of all Jesus Christ accomplished at the cross.
But in these dark days, it is easy to fill our mouths with gossip, slander, bitterness, discouragement, and a host of other pollution—which means we need to allow the Spirit of God to transform our lives and stand guard over our hearts and minds (see Philippians 4:7).
In this episode, Nathan reminds us that as Christians what is upon our lips is a good indicator of what is inside our lives.
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 221
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/221/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 220
I love books … and in the last episode, I gave my top 12 favorite classic Christians books.
In this episode, I want to give twelve of the Christian biographies that have most impacted my life and inspired my faith in Jesus Christ.
Quick Links:
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/220/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 219
I love books … and people often ask what are some of my favorite classic Christian books that have made a deep impact on my life.
In this episode, I want to give twelve classic Christian books that have changed my life.
Quick Links:
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/219/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 218
In John 1:1, Jesus is called the "Word of God" … and in Revelation 19:13 His Name is called "The Word of God."
In this study of the character and nature of God, we discuss how Jesus is the Word of God in Person (the Logos) and how this should affect how you read Scripture.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/218/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 217
Studying the Bible in light of its context is of utmost importance.
In this particular episode, we conclude our mini-series looking at seven important types of context you need to keep in mind as you study Scripture. As we examine the last three types of contexts (scriptural, geographical, visual), learn what these contexts are, why they are important, and hear some examples of how studying the Bible in light of history and culture helps you understand the Bible.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/217/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 216
Studying the Bible in light of its context is of utmost importance. In the last two episodes we examined the importance of context and in this episode we continue to look at seven different key contexts you need to know when you read and study the Word of God.
In this particular episode, we look at the grammatical and linguistic contexts. Learn what these contexts are, why they are important, and hear some examples of how studying the Bible in light of history and culture helps you understand the Bible.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/216/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 215
Studying the Bible in light of its context is of utmost importance. In the last episode we examined the importance of context and over the next few weeks we are going to discuss seven different key contexts you need to know when you read and study the Word of God.
In this particular episode, we look at the first two of the seven contexts: historical and cultural context. Learn what these contexts are, why they are important, and hear some examples of how studying the Bible in light of history and culture helps you understand the Bible.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/215/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 214
Over the years, I've noticed that most students of the Bible are missing one key aspect in their reading and study.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson talks about the importance of context and gives some of his favorite examples of taking Bible verses out of context – and why we need to make sure we read and study in biblical context.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/214/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 213
King David’s life is a picture of what it means to walk in the holiness and righteousness of God … and what it looks like to not.
1 Kings 15:5 tells us that David always did what was right in the eyes of God, except one time, with the manner of Uriah the Hittite.
While David was always living in the life and perspective of God, there was one time (just one time!) when he turned within himself and decided what was “right” in his own eyes—deciding to live in sin and depravity rather than by the righteous life of God Almighty.
In this episode, we continue our discussion on holiness and righteousness by examining the downfall (sin) of David and how even a single sin can lead to the downfall of many … and what it means as believers to embrace and live by the holiness of Jesus Christ.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/213/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 212
Over the past few episodes, we’ve talked about holiness and how to live a holy life.
Yet, as we pursue a holy and godly life, we must remember these five key things about holiness.
In this episode, Nathan continues our discussion on holiness and gives five key reminders you need to know about holiness and righteousness.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/212/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 211
We are called to be holy as God is holy. But how?!
Many Christians have a wrong perspective of holiness—thinking it is a legalistic list of dos and don'ts. Yet holiness is not a checklist nor is it attempting to live like Christ in our own strength and ability.
There is only one secret to become holy: embracing the One (God) Who alone is holy. And when you embrace God, you find that He makes you holy.
In this episode, Nathan talks about what holiness is and isn't … and then explains the "the secret to holiness" – ie: the only way we can become holy and walk in holiness.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/211/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 210
The first week of each month, we examine one of God’s Names to learn more about Who He is and how Jesus reveals and showcases this incredible attribute to us in the flesh (for He is God in the flesh).
In today's study, we dive into God's Name "Jehovah Mekoddishkem," meaning "The LORD Who Sanctifies You."
Though in our culture "holiness" has received a bad rap – often seen in the negative or as a list of legalistic dos and don'ts – holiness in the Bible is always a positive thing for it reflects the nature of God.
God is holy and invites you to share in His holiness.
God's Name Jehovah Mekoddishkem is a beautiful reminder that we, in and of ourselves, cannot be holy – but He not only calls us to be holy, He also makes it possible, for He is the One who sanctifies us.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/210/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 209
A visit to Israel shouldn't just be on your bucket list, it should be a serious consideration for every Christian. In today's podcast, I want to give you four good reasons why you should take not merely a tourist trip but a "Bible Study Tour" to Israel.
Not only will a Bible Study Tour to Israel radically change the way you read the Bible, it will also change your life.
Join me on the next Bible study tour to Israel where we dive into God's Word and study it on location!
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/209/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 208
God is eternal!
He is not bound by time or limited to the linear progression that we as humans are.
And this incredible reality should cause us to trust Him and put our hope in Him all the more.
In this episode we discuss God’s eternal nature and why we should remind ourselves that Jesus is on every page of Scripture.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/208/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 207
Bible maps are important to your understanding of Scripture!
Though most of us tend to ignore the geography, it is an important context to look up if we desire to gain a greater depth of understanding in what we study.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson examines three reasons why maps helps us in our Bible study and gives examples of how profound Bible geography can be in our study and understanding of God's Word.
Join me on the next Bible study tour to Israel where we dive into God's Word and study it on location!
» Recommended Atlases:
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/207/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 206
The first week of each month, we examine one of God’s Names to learn more about Who He is and how Jesus reveals and showcases this incredible attribute to us in the flesh (for He is God in the flesh).
In today's study we examine God's Name "Jehovah Rapha": the God Who Heals.
God is a healer and delights in healing—physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually. This amazing attribute finds it ways throughout all of Scripture, climaxing in Jesus Christ … and is still true today.
Discover this important aspect of God's nature, for we all need our "bitter waters" healed and made sweet.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/206/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 205
Giving should be the normal lifestyle of a Christian.
Yet too many of us hoard our time, resources, energy, and money rather than generously give to those in need and for the purpose of Kingdom work.
In this episode, Nathan talks about tithe, eleven New Testament principles for giving, a concept for how to spend money, and concludes with an exhortation to not merely be givers but to be extravagant givers.
Enter to win this month's Deeper Christian book giveaway of Randy Alcorn's biblical guide Managing God's Money.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/205/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 204
Who owns your life?
That may sound like an odd question, but it is an important one in the days in which we live. For a culture that has become obsessed with "stuff," materialism and money can easily usurp God as the center of our lives.
In this episode, we examine materialism and the danger to our souls when our stuff owns us … for as Jesus says, you cannot serve two masters, you will either serve God or you will be devoted to wealth.
Enter to win this month's Deeper Christian book giveaway of Randy Alcorn's biblical guide Managing God's Money.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/204/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 203
Though Christians often shy away from the topic of money, the Bible spends more time addressing it than even faith and prayer combined.
Over the next few episodes, we will examine what the Bible says about this important topic—because as Christians, everything we do (including how we handle money), is a reflection of Jesus Christ and His control in our lives. We must understand that we are stewards of all He has given us.
In this beginning discussion, we lay a foundation looking at three key concepts related to money:
Enter to win this month's Deeper Christian book giveaway of Randy Alcorn's biblical guide Managing God's Money.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/203/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 202
The Names of God are a profound revelation of the character and nature of God—all of which find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
The first week of each month, we examine one of God’s Names to learn more about Who He is and how Jesus reveals and showcases this incredible attribute to us in the flesh (for He is God in the flesh).
Though the Name Jehovah Jireh only shows up once in Scripture, the truth that God is a provider is declared all throughout Scripture (and Christian history). The promise is that not only does God delight in being the provider—seeing in advance and making provision—but that He has become the provision we need.
If you are facing hardship, difficulty, pain, or trials, then you need this reminder that everything you need is provided for you in Christ Jesus.
Listen to the other two episodes Nathan mentioned about the importance of names:
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/202/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 201
Previously, we began a discussion on aggressively abiding in Christ. According to Jesus, abiding isn’t an addition to the Christian life, it is the essence of it!
Yet there is a promise amidst the abiding life that is of pruning. Though we tend to shy away from difficulty, trials, hardships, pain, and problems—the reality is, God want to use those as opportunities to prune and sanctify your life. If we are every going to be come more Christ-like, it demands that God removes anything that does not look like Jesus.
In this episode, we continue our conversation on abiding in Christ as we discuss the promise and provision of God’s pruning in our lives.
Rather than dread the difficulties, we should rejoice and celebrate the opportunity they bring to bear more fruit of the vine!
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/201/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 200
Stephen Manley is not only a great friend and mentor, but he has had a profound impact on my life.
In celebration of the 200th episode of the Deeper Christian Podcast, I asked Stephen for an interview where we talk about intimacy with Jesus, the importance of God's Word, his workout regimen, and we look back at over 60 years of ministry and preaching of the Word.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/200/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 199
We've all heard the term "abide in Christ," but what does it mean? And how do we abide?
This "abiding in Christ" is not something we aspire to, rather it is the essence of Christianity itself — for we cannot have life unless we abide (remain) in the vine.
Jesus Christ alone is our life and supply that we hold tight to … or, as 2 Peter 1:3 reminds us, everything we need for life and godliness is found solely in Him.
In this episode, we explore the idea of abiding in Christ and the call to aggressively do so.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/199/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 198
As we celebrate the death and life of Jesus this week in expectancy of Resurrection Sunday, this episode goes back into the Old Testament and examines several "Christophanies" (pictures of Jesus and the cross foreshadowed in the Old Testament).
Explore the profound reality that all of Scripture is pointing to Jesus Christ and His work upon the Cross.
To download the message notes, visit the shownotes for this episode.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/198/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 197
Coming to God in prayer is often difficult if you don't know what you should pray. People struggle to focus, spend more than ten minutes, or find themselves repeating the same things over and over.
Having a simple plan (or outline) for prayer can help make prayer time fruitful and more exciting.
In this episode, join Nathan as he gives a couple simple plans for prayer that you can use to be intentional and more focused in your prayer time.
To see the plans outlined along with graphics, visit the shownotes for this episode.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/197/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 196
Is our physical posture in prayer important to God? Is kneeling, folded hands, head down, eyes closed, the most reverent way to pray?
In this episode, Nathan tackles this often asked question and explains how the spiritual posture in prayer is more important than the physical posture of prayer.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/196/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 195
Many people ask why God seemingly doesn’t listen to their prayers, or they might know He hears but can’t figure out why He doesn’t respond or do anything.
Biblically, there are reasons why our prayers are hindered or not listened to by God.
In this mini-series on prayer, we examine ten things the Bible says that hinder prayer.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/195/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 194
While nearly all Christians esteem prayer and do it at some level, we forget that all of our prayer lives can grow in depth, intimacy, and travail.
Leonard Ravenhill was a man of prayer who not only talked about the importance of intercession, he was a man given to it.
We are beginning a mini-series on prayer and I wanted Leonard Ravenhill to give us a short exhortation on one of his own key life prayers.
Taken from one of his sermons decades ago, this reminder is that we should ask the Lord to teach us to pray.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/194/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 193
The Ravi Zacharias situation is a sober reminder to the body of Christ – we must not hide sin nor take sin and darkness lightly.
In this episode, I talk about the sober warning God gave my soul this week as I heard the report of Ravi – but rather than focus on what he did, I want us to be reminded of what the Word of God says about living upright and holy lives.
It is possible in the authority and grace of Jesus to walk in obedience and live holy, blameless lives – we are to walk in light as He is in the light – so let this be a sober warning and reminder to us all not to hide sin, but to expose it, repent, and to seek His face.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/193/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 192
Love is in the air this month … but rather than keep our focus on romance and ourselves – we need to gain God's heart and purpose for love.
Love is more than an emotion or feeling … love is an action.
In this episode, we listen to a classic sermon by Darrell Champlin who talks about missions and taking God's love to the world. God desires that we share His burden and heart for the lost souls of this world. God is asking us, like He asked Champlin, "Do you love me with shoes on?"
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/192/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 191
I love a good Christian quote!
A quote can distill a thought into a simple statement or become a placeholder for a profound concept you want to remember.
Over the years, I've posted a daily quote on deeperChristianQuotes.com (now totaling over 3500 and counting) and want to give you my top 16 favorites.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/191/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 190
Paul commands us in 2 Corinthians 13:5 to examine and test ourselves to see if we are in the faith.
He wasn't talking to unbelievers but to those sitting in the Church at Corinth.
Likewise, we too in the modern church must examine and test ourselves to see whether we are truly Christians or whether we merely attend church and know some information about God.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson talks about Paul's command to test and examine ourselves and questions whether we have a cruise ship mentality or a battleship one.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/190/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 189
In the turbulent seas in which we live, how does a Christian experience peace regardless of the pressure, circumstance, or difficulty we may find ourselves in?
Christians are called to the most peace-laden, joy-filled, and hopeful people in the world – which means we are not to be fearful, fretting, anxious, or live with worry. Is this wishful thinking or can this be the reality of the Christian life?
In this episode, Nathan Johnson talks about how to experience the peace of God in any and every pressure and difficulty you face.
For it is only the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, which will guard and protect our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/189/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 188
Our culture seems to be inundated with miscommunication, confusion, lies, and deception – so what news source should we as Christians listen to and trust?
In this timely episode, Nathan Johnson talks about the importance of whom we listen to and where we place our trust as believers in Jesus Christ.
If you desire truth and clarity, you need to listen to this episode and learn about the most important news source today that you can absolutely trust.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/188/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 187
We live in perilous times … so how should a Christian respond in such a season?
The great need of our culture is a group of men and women who are willing to labor in prayer, to humble themselves, and seek God's face.
In this episode, Nathan talks about how a Christian is to respond to the perilous times we live in and gives seven key things we should diligently pray for.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/187/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 186
This is a season of celebration!
A time to reflect on this past year … and a time to freshly surrender to God this next one.
And in this episode, Nathan also makes a request to see what you want to talk about in this next year on the Deeper Christian Podcast. Leave your comments in Apple Podcasts (with a review!) or send Nathan an email at [email protected]
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/186/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 185
The Christmas season reminds us that our King came in the flesh … but let us not forget that He is coming again!
In this special Christmas episode of the Deeper Christian Podcast, we look forward to the Second Coming of Christ and give an important warning for while we wait expectantly.
Let us know merely celebrate His first Advent … let us celebrate with great expectation His Second!
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/185/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 184
The Christmas season is more than a celebration of the birth of Christ … it is about the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and the outpouring of His Spirit.
In short, it is about Him.
Though we often focus on the birth, the Gospels declare that Jesus' birth is all focused upon sacrifice – pointing to the Cross.
In this episode, we examine the foreshadow of the Cross of Christ as found in the story of Abraham and Isaac … and how that ties into the "sign of sacrifice" as given to the Bethlehem shepherds.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/184/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 183
The Jewish festival of Hanukkah (also known as the Festival of Lights or the Feast of Dedication) was a celebration to remember the provision and miracle God did with the oil in the Temple about 200 years before Jesus.
Some scholars believe Jesus was likely born during this eight-day celebration, and we know that in John 10 we find Jesus celebrating the holiday down at the Temple.
Regardless, the Festival of Lights is a reminder of the True Light, Jesus Christ. He is the Light of the world, even amidst a culture that loves darkness and hates the light.
In this episode, we are reminded that regardless of what culture does or how dark it gets, Jesus is the Light and we should purposefully use this season to celebrate and focus on Him.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/183/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 182
Happy Thanksgiving from Deeper Christian!
As we conclude our three part miniseries on thanksgiving, we go through a short review of the first two concepts and then further discuss the idea that thanksgiving is more than a day we celebrate, it is the lifestyle of every believer.
Throughout the episode, we emphasis the connection between thanksgiving and communion and give three practical ways we can develop a life of thankfulness.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/182/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 181
In part one of our thanksgiving miniseries we discussed how thanksgiving is to be the lifestyle of a Christian.
But Scripture makes it clear that thanksgiving is to be the language and communication of the Christian.
We are to "continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name" (Hebrews 13:15).
What if thanksgiving became the outflow and communication of our lives?
In this episode, we talk about what the Bible says about the tongue, the importance of offering thanksgiving, and four key truths about thanksgiving that should change how we talk and live.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/181/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 180
While we are nearing the American holiday of Thanksgiving, for most of us the concept of thanksgiving and gratitude is merely a seasonal festivity or a thing we write in our journals.
Yet Biblical thanksgiving is more than a meal or holiday, it's the lifestyle of every Christian.
Join me on this three-part series as we examine thanksgiving from a Biblical perspective and gain a greater love and gratitude for our Lord Jesus Christ.
In this first episode, we talk about the overall concept of thanksgiving, how it is linked to the Cross, and are reminded to not just have thanksgiving but ABOUND with it!
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/180/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 179
Jesus spent a lot of time in the crowds and multitudes throughout His ministry.
Yet Mark records that individuals were significant and important to Jesus.
People weren't just another "number" or "face" amidst the crowd, rather Jesus often honed in on one individual, gave full attention to them, and engaged with them as if no one else was around.
What a profound reminder for our lives today – Jesus is just as concerned for individuals (you or I) today as He was back in His day.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/179/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 178
We know wisdom is important, but what is its value in our lives?
Proverbs is a book of "wisdom" – and we are told specifically that if we receive, hide, incline our ears, apply, cry out, lift up, and seek wisdom we will experience incredible benefit.
In this episode, we examine Proverbs 2 and the seven key things we are to do with wisdom so that we may experience the value of it.
In so doing, we discover that wisdom is far more than intellectual knowledge or information – for the fulfillment and fullness of wisdom is found in the Bible and in Jesus Christ … for He is our wisdom.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/178/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 177
Whether you ministry in a formal way (pastor, missionary, etc) or whether you work down in a factory, stay at home with the kids, or any other profession, we are all called to be ministers of the Gospel of Grace.
In this episode, we talk about what it means to prepare our lives for the work of ministry.
If you are a Christian, this episode will help you discover ways to build your life around Jesus Christ and pour your life out in ministry to the world around you.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/177/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 176
We live in a season where fear, anxiety, and burdens abound. Lawlessness reigns. Covid continues. The upcoming election creates unsettling uncertainty.
But as Christians, what do we do with the fear, anxiety, cares, and burdens?
In this episode, Nathan Johnson talks about the importance of casting our burdens upon the Lord – rolling the weight of our burdens upon the shoulders of Jesus Christ.
Find freedom, peace, and life in Jesus … for He cares for you.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/176/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 175
Do you need a breakthrough in your life?
Perhaps its a circumstance or situation … or maybe a relationship – regardless, we each have areas that we need God to breakthrough in and bring life, restoration, reconciliation.
In this message, we look at a passage in 2 Samuel 5 where David deals with the Philistines and God breakthroughs so powerfully that the name of the location changes from the "Valley of Giants" to the place where God is the "Master of Breakthroughs."
If you are needing breakthrough in your life or a reminder of the powerful God we love, serve, and pray to, this episode will remind you that no matter what you are facing, God wants to be right in the middle of it and cause a breakthrough.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/175/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 174
We all know that God loves us … but does He like us?
In this episode, join Nathan as he ponders a season of weddings and marriage and reflections upon the relationship we have with Jesus Christ.
If you've ever wanted to know if God not only loves you but likes you, this message will be an encouragement to your soul.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/174/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 173
This statement was a mantra of the early church, translated as "Come, Lord Jesus!"
For the early church facing hardship, difficulty, trials, persecution, and martyrdom, this cry was a hope-filled yearning of their desire to be with Jesus.
In a similar vein, Paul in Philippians 4:5, gives a profound statement as a reminder to the Church that "The Lord is at hand."
Loaded with depth and life-changing truth, this statement must be understood in two ways … both holding tremendous significance for our lives today.
In this episode, Nathan gives an overview of Paul's statement and invites you to listen to the full-length message on the NRJohnson Sermon Podcast.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/173/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 172
There is a "secret" to prayer – praying with tears and anguish.
Something happens when you gain God's heart and burden for the world and you begin to carry His burden with tears and a anguish of prayer.
In this episode, we listen to a short "Bravehearted Thot" by David Wilkerson on "A Call to Anguish" and the necessity of experiencing anguish – coming from the response of Nehemiah when the walls of Jerusalem were found unbuilt.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/172/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 171
You may pray … but do you have a "desperate" prayer life?
Leonard Ravenhill was a great man of God who had a passion for revival and a deep burden for prayer. Spending hours a day in prayer himself, he often talked about the necessity of not merely going through the motions of prayer, but travailing in prayer and intercession.
In this powerful exhortation, Leonard Ravenhill uses Hannah's burden and prayer from 1 Samuel 1 to talk about desperate prayer … while highlighting the prayer lives of Ravenhill's favorite Christian prayer warriors – like Duncan Campbell, Rees Howell, John Hyde, Edward Payson, EM Bounds, David Brainerd, AW Tozer, And Robert Murray M'Cheyne.
Be inspired in your prayer life with this message called "Desperate Prayer" by Leonard Ravenhill.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/171/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 170
Many of our prayer lives consists of a list of wants and needs. But prayer is so much more than making requests of God.
As we spend time with God daily in prayer, we need to remember there are a variety of ways to pray and our prayer lives should incorporate not just requests but thanksgiving, intercession, praise, fellowship, and more.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson examines five important types of prayer that you should include in your prayer life.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/170/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 169
Knowing our God and recognizing His voice is essential when we come to prayer.
John 10 reminds us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and that His sheep know His voice. But how can we know the voice of our Shepherd and how can we recognize Him from the other noises and distractions from the "imposters" speaking today.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson talks about John 10 and not only how important it is to know His voice, but gives a couple of ideas on how to attune your ear to His voice.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/169/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 168
As Christians, we know prayer is important – so we check it off our list, say a quick thanks before a meal, and maybe a few minutes before we fall asleep.
But do you actually have a burden, a passion, for prayer? Do you long to spend time in prayer … or is it a duty a chore, an obligation?
Pray isn't meant to be a "have to" – prayer is a "get to" – we get to spend time with the King of the Universe. We get to have intimacy and oneness with Jesus.
In this day, as things grow increasingly more dark and difficult, it is all the more imperative that Christians rise up and gain God's heart and burden for the world – that we become passionate about prayer.
In this episode, we discuss the importance of having a passion for prayer and look at a few examples throughout Christian history of individuals who were willing to give themselves to prayer.
As EM Bounds so rightly stated, "These days of ours have [desperate] need of a generation of praying men, a band of men and women through whom God can bring his great and his greatest movements more fully into the world. … A breed of Christian is greatly needed who will seek tirelessly after God—who will give him no rest, day and night, until he hearkens to their cry. The times demand praying men who are all athirst for God’s glory, who are broad and unselfish in their desires, quenchless for God, who seek him late and early, and who will give themselves no rest until the whole earth be filled with his glory."
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/168/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 167
As we wrap up our mini-series on how to study the Bible, we examine Acts 1:8 to illustrate how to study a passage in God's Word.
In this episode, Nathan walks through the four key questions of Bible Study and shows you how to walk through a passage to gain greater insight and depth.
If you have ever struggled to understand how to practically study a passage of Scripture, this episode will help you understand how to do so.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/167/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 166
If you want to study the Bible, you must ask these four essential questions for each passage you study.
In this episode, Nathan walks through the four key questions for Bible Study and shows how asking these questions will help us understand God's Word and apply it properly to our lives.
If you've ever wanted practical help in your Bible Study, this episode is a must-listen.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/166/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 165
One of the most important aspects of Bible study (especially as we make observations) is context.
Context can often tell us more about the meaning of a passage than nearly anything else.
As we continue our mini-series of how to study the Bible, this episode we examine seven important contexts you need to know as you study the Bible.
Go here to get a list of the 7 Types of Context and download the 75+ Bible Study Questions bonus.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/165/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 164
Before we can know what a Bible passage means or how to apply it in our lives, we first must learn to observe the text of Scripture.
This "observation stage" contains the first key question we must ask while doing Bible study: What does the passage say?
In this episode, join Nathan Johnson as we learn why observations are so important to Bible study and how to make great observations by asking good questions.
Go here to get the 75+ Bible Study Questions free download bonus.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/164/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 163
There is one essential ingredient that most people are missing from their Bible study … "saturation."
While not a method for Bible Study, this methodology changes how we approach God's Word and study Scripture.
In this short episode, we talk about saturation and why it's so important to the study of the Bible.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/163/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 162
As we engage in God's Word, there are two essential aspects we must keep in mind if we desire to grow spiritually and understand the depth of Scripture.
Not only must we READ the Bible, we also must STUDY it. Both are critical to Bible study.
In this episode we talk specifically about reading the Bible, why it's important, and give 10 ways you can intentionally read God's Word.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/162/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 161
In this mini-series, we are going to learn how to study the Bible.
In this first episode, we look at the necessity of experiencing spiritual heartburn.
In Luke 24, the two disciples Jesus met with on the road to Emmaus said, "Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”
This same spiritual heartburn is needed in each of us when we approach God's Word – for it is more than an academic study but a pursuit of God Himself through His Word.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/161/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 160
Do you seek after the Lord intentionally, purposefully desiring to grow spiritually … or do you live passively, hoping greater growth and intimacy will "just happen"?
For many Christians, we have become passive, lukewarm, and stale in our spiritual lives.
Yet, Biblically, we are called to seek first the Kingdom, to diligently seek after God, or, as Psalm 130 tells us, to long after God with bated breath.
There should be an expectancy and obsession in our desire to know our God.
In this episode, we look at Psalm 130 and examine what it means to long for and seek after God with bated breath.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/160/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 159
I recently had a book discussion on an incredible book called The Mystery of Godliness by Major Ian Thomas.
Though I've read this book before, several of the key premise points deeply stirred me afresh.
In this episode, I want to give you some lessons I learned from The Mystery of Godliness and in so doing, share the "mystery" itself.
Visit the shownotes for this episode for a list of the quotes I gave in the episode, along with my favorite books and messages by Ian Thomas.
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/159/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 158
Bible study doesn't come naturally do anyone.
It takes effort, and having some basic training is always helpful too.
As I put finishing touches on my Saturation Bible Study book and online course, I'd love to make sure I address your greatest challenge.
Care to help me help you?
I want to add incredible value to you and your spiritual life through the book and course – practically addressing your struggles, problems, and confusion with studying the Bible.
Would you take a couple minutes and fill out the form in the shownotes (or go directly to the form here) and give me some feedback?
View the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/158/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 157
After "losing" the podcast in Apple Podcasts, we've moved everything to a new platform!
Listen to the three key lessons I learned about the Deeper Christian Podcast along the journey.
Unfortunately, if you subscribed to the show in the past, you'll need to resubscribe since it's considered a new "show" (though all the previous episodes are available) … but we now have more options for you to subscribe.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/157/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 156
Life is fleeting … it's like a mist or a vapor.
When we live as if life is forever, we can quickly grow passive, complacent, or frivolous in how we live. Yet when we recognize that life is short, we begin to live each day to its fullest—for the purpose and glory of Jesus Christ.
The biblical truth that life is short is actually good news for it reminds us to live surrendered to Jesus Christ, to not live for ourselves, and to find wisdom in numbering our days.
If this season has caused you to be stressed, worried, or filled with fear over the future, this episode will encourage you to live not for yourself but unto Christ Jesus.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/156/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 155
Is there a secret to know God more?
Well … yes and no.
There is a "secret" but it's not locked in a box, unavailable to everyone. In fact, it is out in the open, readily available for you to experience.
So what is God's secret to know Him more?
Be still.
It sounds simple, and it is, yet it may be one of the hardest things we ever do. But if we throw off busyness and distraction, we will soon find that the reward of diligently seeking and knowing God is that we will in fact know Him.
So what are you waiting for? Be still. And know.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson looks at the importance (ie: the secret) of Psalm 46:10 and how it can change everything in our lives.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/155/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 154
366 times in Scripture we are told "fear not" … but HOW?
In perilous times, how can we stand boldly and live without fear?
The secret is found in Hebrews 13 where God speaks a single promise which should expel every fear and worry in our lives.
If you want to be able to stand strong in difficult seasons, live without worry and fear, then you need to know the promise that God will never leave or forsake you.
In this episode, we examine Hebrews 13:5-6 and discover why there is no reason to fear.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/154/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 153
Psalm 1 tells us that as Christians we are to find our delight in the Word of God and set our minds upon that Word day and night. To do so causes us to be like trees planted by streams of water, impervious to the circumstances which surround us.
The other option is to live in sin and be like chaff that is useless and blows away in the wind.
So where do you find your delight?
In this Deeper Christian episode, we examine Psalm 1 and seek to find our delight in Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/153/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 152
We often search for peace, joy, hope, love, etc through a variety of means … except for the one that is guaranteed to supply all we need.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson reminds us that Jesus is all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3) and that our pursuit should be of Him.
Consider joining Nathan on a 30 Day Challenge to know Jesus more. Sign up and receive more information at: https://deeperchristian.com/30day-challenge-know-jesus/
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/152/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 151
Just like you need to push "reset" on some electronics to get them working properly, so too our lives need a reset push in order that we refocus.
With countless distractions and noise in this world we need the occasional reset to make sure Jesus Christ remains at the center of our focus, emotions, and passion.
In this episode, Nathan reminds you of your need to reset your focus and he invites you to join him in a 30 Day Challenge to Know Jesus More.
For more information and to sign up for the 30 Day Challenge (don't worry, it's free), go to: https://deeperchristian.com/30day-challenge-know-jesus/
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/151/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 150
Most of us know Psalm 23 quite well – it's that great Psalm of comfort and hope amidst any circumstance.
In the uncertain and rather crazy circumstances we are currently in, we need to be reminded that Jesus is our Good Shepherd and He is actively shepherding our lives. In short, He is giving provision, protection, and direction to us just as a shepherd does with his sheep.
In this Deeper Christian episode, Nathan Johnson gives a big picture understanding of Psalm 23 and discusses 4 amazing revelations found in the passage:
If you are looking for encouragement and hope in these troubled times, this episode will point you back to our Good Shepherd Jesus Christ.
»» If you are interested in being informed of the free 30 Day Adventure to Know Jesus More (Quarantine Edition) we are launching next week, sign up on the shownotes page of this episode so you don't miss the details! – visit: https://deeperchristian.com/150
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/150/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 149
The world is in a pandemic panic over the coronavirus, but how are we to respond as Christians?
Rather than living with fear, anxiety, and worry, a Christian is to face such a crisis with calm, peace, joy, and hope.
But how can we as believers experience hope amidst the coronavirus? The secret is in where we place our hope.
In this Deeper Christian episode, we look at the crisis of the coronavirus and how to have peace rather than panic, calm rather than chaos, and hope amidst a world fretting in fear.
Christians are to live unlike the world and this is a time in history when we can be known by our love and peace rather than our panic and avoidance.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/156/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 148
We were made to be obsessed.
Each of us has an obsession – often revealed by what we most think about throughout the day, where we spend our money, how we spend our time, and what we talk about.
The question is not "are you obsessed" the better question is "what are you obsessed with"?
In this Deeper Christian podcast episode, we listen to a special message (a Bravehearted Thot) on the topic of obsession by my friend and mentor Stephen Manley. Stephen is passionate about Jesus Christ and wants to remind each of us that we are called to be obsessed with Jesus.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/148/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 147
Examine your prayer life and you'll likely find that there are three things that you pray for most … and yet these three things God already wants to provide for you as your Good Shepherd.
In this Deeper Christian episode, Nathan Johnson gives an overview of John 10 and Jesus' declaration that He is the "Good Shepherd" and what that means practically for you as Christ longs to provide and give you protection, provision, and direction.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/147/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 146
Far too many people are seeking escape and "peace" from their circumstances, trials, and difficulties. But what if true peace wasn't an escape FROM our problems but peace IN the midst of them?
In this Deeper Christian episode, Nathan Johnson talks about biblical peace and how we are called to have peace at all times – regardless of what may be going on around us.
When we recognize that Jesus Himself is our peace and that He wants to be our peace in every struggle or difficulty, then we find that our lives begin to reflect the reality of heaven – just like a lake at peace.
Join Nathan in this encouraging episode as you find peace in the middle of your problems rather than an escape from them.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/146/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 145
We've all likely heard the old illustration of whether we are a thermometer or a thermostat. But I was listening to an interview done with Leonard Ravenhill toward the end of his life, and his comment about the thermometer/thermostat idea struck me afresh.
In this episode of the Deeper Christian Podcast, we listen to a short clip by Leonard Ravenhill talking about the thermometer and thermostat but gain an incredible insight into this old illustration – for as Ravenhill says, it's all about affecting or being affected by the environment.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/145/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 144
While the blanket statement "God can do anything He wants" is true, it is only true to a point – for, biblically, there is one thing God cannot do.
Once you discover the one thing God cannot do, it actually produces greater confidence, trust, and hope in Jesus Christ as we can build our lives upon His unchanging character and nature.
Join Nathan in this Deeper Christian episode and find out the one thing God cannot do.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/144/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 143
We as Christians often treat God as if He is merely a historical character from the past rather than the Living God.
How we see God will determine how we worship and engage with Him. Either we will fall into religious ritual and duty or we will be consumed with a passionate desire for greater relationship and intimacy with Him.
In this episode, Nathan Johnson (NRJohnson) talks about the difference between seeing God as a historical character and beholding Him as the Living God that He is. Nathan also gives three ideas to help you grow in your understanding and relationship with the Living God.
And once we recognize God as the Living God, it will change everything in our lives.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/143/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 142
As Christians, we should long to grow in our depth, understanding, and intimacy with Jesus Christ … but how?
In this Deeper Christian episode, we look at Luke 24 and talk about experiencing "heartburn" in Jesus and five ways we can practically grow in our intimacy with Jesus.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/142/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 141
Happy New Year!
Being a new year, many of us are writing down our resolutions and dreams for this year. Yet as Christians, we need to rethink resolutions and goal setting and consider if there is a better way.
In this special New Year's edition of the Deeper Christian Podcast, my good friend Dan McConnaughey talks about new year resolutions and how we can resolve to live as Christians in 2020.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/141/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 140
Merry Christmas!
In this special Christmas edition of the Deeper Christian Podcast, we look at the "sign" that the angel gives the shepherds of Christ's coming. This sign is profound not only for the Christmas season but the fact that it points to the Cross and reason for why Jesus came – the sacrifice of Himself upon the cross for the sins of the world.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/140/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 139
While Christmas is the season we celebrate the birth of one King, we often fail to remember another king that plays a significant role in the birth of Jesus Christ.
In this special Christmas edition of the Deeper Christian Podcast, we look at the contrast of these two kings – King Jesus and Herod the Great – and knowing the difference between the two will deepen your understanding of the significance of the birth of Christ in the setting in which it happened.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/139/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 138
Looking at the culture today, it appears that sin is "all-powerful." It has the world (even some of the church) in its grip. Sin comes a-knocking and we soon find ourselves giving in.
But Scripture is clear that sin has nothing on holiness. Holiness is not a drab, a list of do's and don'ts; it's not a have-to, it's a get-to! The Bible reveals that holiness is always a positive thing.
Rather than be pushed around by sin, live from the reality of God's holiness in your live via the HOLY Spirit.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/138/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 137
Though for us here in America, Thanksgiving is a time we celebrate each year where we take time out to fellowship, enjoy good food, and be grateful for what we have.
But as Christians, thanksgiving is not merely a holiday we celebrate once a year, rather its a lifestyle we live, communicate, and should be known for.
Such a life of thanksgiving is not based on circumstances, emotions, or a day of the week – it is to be the everyday "normal" of the Christian life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/137/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 136
God abounds in mercy, love, kindness, faithfulness, and goodness.
This word in the Hebrew is "Hesed" and showcases the grandeur and greatness of our God's character and nature.
Rich in meaning, this word (Hesed) is hard to translate yet best understood as "when the person from whom I have a right to expect nothing gives me everything."
And our God, who abounds in Hesed, whose Hesed endures forever – wants to fill our lives via His Spirit and produce Hesed in and through us.
In this episode, we discuss the Hebrew word Hesed and how God's goodness, mercy, faithfulness, and lovingkindness endures forever!
»» Interested in winning a copy of Michael Card's book on Hesed (Inexpressible: Hesed and the Mystery of God's Lovingkindness)? I'm giving away several copies in the Deeper Christian monthly book giveaway. Enter to win a free copy (winners announced the end of November).
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/136/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 135
We live in a world where the profane has become prolific and that which is twisted and perverse is celebrated and indulged in.
But as Christians, we are not called to live from a place of lust (what I can get for myself) but from a place of love (what I can give). Believers are called to purity, holiness, and righteousness – no matter how dark and polluted the world around them becomes.
In Ephesians 5, Paul exhorts the early church to walk in love (the Kingdom of light – the Kingdom of Jesus Christ) rather than walk in lust (the Kindgom of darkness).
In this episode, we explore Paul's exhortation to Christians in Ephesians 5 and are pressed to answer the question – from which kingdom am I living … the place of love or the perverseness of lust?
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/135/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 134
Repentance is one of those terms that most modern churches have moved away from.
It sounds harsh, condemning, and intrusive.
But repentance was the message of Jesus, John the Baptist, and the disciples. It is not something you tack onto a gospel track or do once and presume you're done repenting. As Christians, we should be living a life of repentance … and proclaiming the need to repent to the world!
In this episode, Nathan Johnson gives a brief overview of repentance and then plays a sermon by Vance Havner entitled "A Call to Repentance."
This message was given by Havner at Founders Week at Moody Bible Institute years ago and exhorts believers to come before the cross of Christ with a heart of repentance.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/134/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 133
Knowing that God is faithful becomes a foundation, a bedrock, for our faith.
In order to trust and put our hope and faith in Christ, we must know that He is unchanging and that He is constant, steadfast, unmovable, resolute, and sure – in short, we need to know He is faithful.
And once we know and remember that our God is faithful, then how we live as Christians will change for it can be built upon the One who does not change.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/133/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 132
We all want to know the Bible better … but how can we study it so that it goes from plain text on the page (an academic study) to something that is alive and we experience it in living color?
In this episode of the Deeper Christian Podcast, Nathan Johnson talks about the importance of context and gives two ideas for how you can better understand the geographical context of Scripture … and in so doing, experience the Word in living color.
Learn more about the upcoming Deeper Christian Bible Study Tour in Israel.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/132/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 131
Looking around modern Christianity, it appears more and more believers are engrossed with darkness or are allowing shadows of sin to invade their hearts.
Yet Scripture makes it clear that while we may be in the world, we are not to be of the world.
If you've ever found yourself in a room while the sun is setting, you've probably noticed that our eyes adjust to the dimming light and soon find ourselves sitting in shadows. Without intentionally realizing it, we've found ourselves in the dark.
So too, our soul can allow shadows of sin (or full out darkness of perverseness) and we can easily justify why its there, for the downward slope was gradual and marked by small decisions of compromise.
But God has freed us from the domain of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of His dear Son – the One Who is light itself!
In this episode, we examine this concept and are exhorted to not allow any shadows of darkness within our lives but rather to freshly allow the Spirit of God to examine and convict any area so we can walk in the light and behave differently than the world. Yes, we are in the world, but the world is not to be within us.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/131/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 130
After an amazing Bible Study Tour in Israel the past two weeks with 30 incredible people, I wanted to give a short debrief of the trip.
In this special edition episode, several people share their experience of the trip and I give one insight that God pressed upon me throughout the time in the Promised Land.
For daily overviews and recap videos from the Israel Study Tour, check out: https://deeperchristian.com/category/israel-study-tour-2019-daily-overview/
Interested in joining Nathan on a future Deeper Christian Bible Study Tour in Israel? Sign up to be notified of the next trip: https://deeperchristian.com/israel
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/130/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 129
I get back from leading a study tour in Israel next week, but until then we are wrapping up part three of a series called Jesus, the Conquering Messiah.
My good friend and mentor Dr. Stephen Manley preaches from Matthew 27 and focuses upon the trials and death of Jesus Christ.
Interestingly, Matthew gives three key witnesses to the Messiahship of Jesus Christ—all of whom are the enemies of Jesus.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/129/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 128
While I am leading a study tour in Israel for the next couple weeks, we are continuing part two of a three-part series called Jesus, the Conquering Messiah.
My good friend and mentor Dr. Stephen Manley preaches from Matthew 27 and focuses upon the trials and death of Jesus Christ.
Interestingly, Matthew gives three key witnesses to the Messiahship of Jesus Christ—all of whom are the enemies of Jesus.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/128/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 127
Matthew 27 is focused upon the trials and death of Jesus Christ.
Interestingly, Matthew gives three key witnesses to the Messiahship of Jesus Christ—all of whom are the enemies of Jesus.
In this episode, we listen to part one of a three-part series from Matthew 27 with Stephen Manley examining Jesus as the Conquering Messiah.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/127/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 126
As Christians, we can quickly default to the mindset that we are doing all things unto the glory of Jesus Christ and that our lives are in the "steward position" – when in reality we are the ones trying to control, manipulate, and dictate our lives and circumstances.
True Christians, however, are not sovereigns but stewards of all God has entrusted to them.
In this episode of the Deeper Christian Podcast, Nathan Johnson asks the question if you are living your life as a sovereign or a steward, and gives several practical areas of our lives we must allow the Holy Spirit to examine and bring conviction to if necessary.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/126/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 125
Summer is a great time to pick up a good book and be encouraged, edified, and pressed unto Jesus Christ.
In this episode, I want to give five books (or authors) that you should consider reading this summer.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/125/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 124
We know that God takes care of the big issues and problems of life … but what about the small stuff?
Does God provide for every need? What about for every trial and difficulty?
In this episode, Nathan Johnson discusses the concept of God being Jehovah-Jireh and how He sees before the need is there and makes necessary provision and supply for the need.
As Moses declared, "…it is no better than madness, at this time to despair of the providence of God.”
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/124/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 123
If we were honest, all of our prayer lives can deepen, increase, or go to another level—whether it be time, focus, or givenness.
In this short exhortation, Nathan shares the stories of a few men from Christian history who lived lives of prayer—lives given over to intercession and prayer.
If you want to be encouraged to take your prayer life to another level, these stories will encourage (and no doubt convict you).
To read the full list of stories Nathan mentioned, please visit: deeperChristian.com/123
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/123/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 122
Paul tells us in Galatians 5 that Christians are marked by self-control. But what is self-control and how can a Christian live such a life?
Is it more than gritting one's teeth and taking cold showers? Yes!
In this episode, we discuss what self-control is Biblically and how you, as a Christian, can live a life that is controlled by the Holy Spirit.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/122/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 121
As we in America celebrate the 4th of July and all the freedoms it provides, we mustn't forget where TRUE FREEDOM is found – only in Christ Jesus.
In this celebratory episode, we discuss how political freedoms can be taken away but the freedom found in Jesus Christ can be experienced no matter where you are at and despite any circumstance or environment you find yourself in (even a prison cell).
So this 4th of July, let's celebrate all our freedoms, especially the freedom and victory we have in Jesus.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/121/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 120
God is holy … and we are commanded to be holy as He is holy.
But we are also told in Isaiah 64:6 that our best attempt to produce righteousness is but filthy rags. We can't live out holiness or righteousness or purity on our own.
So what then is the secret for us to live out a holy life?
In this episode, we look at how we can walk in holiness and live out the Christian life as it was intended … in holiness, righteousness, and purity.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/120/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 119
As summer begins, we tend to take one of two approaches – either we rush through this season and Jesus takes a backseat, or we grow passive and disconnect.
Rather than take those two approaches, we need to be intentional.
After having emergency surgery this past week, which I talk a bit about in this episode, I have been pondering Psalm 23 and want to share a few thoughts concerning finding rest and righteousness in our Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ … as He leads us to lie down in green pastures.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/119/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 118
Jonathan Edwards is famous for praying, "O God, stamp eternity upon my eyeballs."
The plea was one for an eternal perspective. When we live with eternity in sight, it completely changes how we live in the moment (no matter the difficulty, challenge, temptation, or joy).
In this stirring message, and perhaps one his most popular sermons, Leonard Ravenhill talks about standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ giving an account for our lives – and he therefore challenges us to live each day for eternity.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/118/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 117
Over 285 times throughout Scripture, God gives His Name as "Jehovah Sabaoth" (The Lord of Hosts). The Name bespeaks of God's strength, power, and ability.
In this powerful and stirring message, my friend Philip Hartman explains the depth and profundity of this attribute and Name of God, and in so doing, exhorts believers to live in the reality that God is indeed the Lord of Hosts. Surveying the entirety of Scripture, this message will encourage you to place your trust and faith in the strength, power, and ability of our God.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/117/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 116
We are in a spiritual battle … which means this is war.
Rather than live passively upon the sidelines, we are called, as Christians, to advance the Kingdom of God.
In this classic Bravehearted Thot, Paul Washer encourages us to fight the good fight of faith.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/116/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 115
I love listening to the Word of God being proclaimed. Especially from someone who is passionate about Jesus and His Word.
Eric Ludy, myself, and the team at Ellerslie Mission Society have officially launched our new podcast called "The Daily Thunder Podcast" which is a DAILY proclamation of gospel truth.
If you desire a daily infusion of encouragement, edification, and equipping, I highly encourage you to check out the Daily Thunder Podcast (either searching for it on your favorite podcast platform or by checking out the webpage).
In this short episode, I discuss what the Daily Thunder Podcast is, the format of the show, and how you can watch the content live or listen to the replay via the podcast.
** And don't worry, the Deeper Christian Podcast isn't going anywhere … this is ADDITIONAL content released daily!
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/115/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 114
Jesus tells us that we are commanded to bear much fruit (John 15:8).
But if fruit is to come from our lives, we must ask what kind of fruit is it and how are we going to produce it.
In this episode, we examine the life of a Christian and what it means to bear much fruit—and in so doing reveal the biblical secret that Jesus tells us is required if we desire to have the Christian life and produce fruit.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/114/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 113
There is something life-changing about traveling through Israel—not as a tourist, but as a Christian who longs to know God and His Word more.
Passages begin to make more sense when you see them in their geological setting—when you walk the streets, climb the mountains, and swim in the waters, you see the Bible in its historical, cultural, and geographical context in a fresh and exciting way.
We still have a few spaces left for the next Israel Study Tour this August and would love for you to join me for an adventure of a lifetime as we study God’s Word in the place where it happened. I promise your walk with Christ will grow deeper and you’ll never be able to read or study the Bible the same way again.
The registration deadline for the trip is quickly approaching (Monday, May 6), so sign up soon!
Learn more at http://deeperchristian.com/israel
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/113/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 112
The Gospel proclaims that the redemptive work of Jesus upon the Cross was truly extravagant.
How has God loved you? … extravagantly!
How has God forgiven you? … extravagantly!
Paul builds upon this concept in Ephesians 4:32 and writes, "forgive one another, even as God in Christ forgave you."
So how are you called to love others? … extravagantly!
How are you to forgive others? … extravagantly!
In this episode, we build upon the previous four weeks as we've discussed David's downfall into sin, his conviction and repentance, and then where we find the power to forgive and reconcile.
Using a clip from a recent teaching I gave, we examine what God's extravagant love and forgiveness looks like and how we are called to demonstrate that same love and forgiveness to the world around us.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/112/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 111
Over the previous few episodes, we have talked about
Not only is the topic of forgiveness crucial as we deal with sin and repentance, but we must also take it a step further and work to reconcile our relationships that have been broken due to sin and hurt (either that we have caused or from someone who has hurt us).
In this episode, we continue our mini-series on sin, repentance, and forgiveness by listening to a sermon by Eric Ludy about what reconciliation is and how we should go about doing it biblically.
Though this episode is rather long, its message is critically important as we seek to walk in freedom, forgiveness, peace, and triumph in Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/111/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 110
Over the last two episodes, we have talked about sin and the downfall of David as well as his conviction and repentance.
A follow-up topic to sin and repentance is forgiveness and the call of God upon our lives to forgive others as He has forgiven us. In short, we are called to live lives of forgiveness—not a human born variety (like Dr. Phil would suggest) but what the Bible actually says about true, spirit-born forgiveness.
If we fail to live in forgiveness we will soon find unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment entangling our lives and choking our spiritual vitality.
In this episode, we continue our mini-series on sin, repentance, and forgiveness by listening to a sermon by Eric Ludy about the importance of forgiveness and where we receive the power to forgive others comes from.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/110/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 109
In the last episode, we examined the downfall of David as he committed sin. In this episode, we continue to examine King David's life but as he is confronted for the sin by the prophet Nathan and David's repentance and restoration.
Using 2 Samuel 12 and Psalm 51 as the basis of our investigation, you will be reminded of the significance and travesty of sin but also of God's extravagant willingness to forgive, restore, redeem, and enable you to walk in triumph.
For those who have struggled with forgiveness or are harboring a secret sin or habitual addition or sin, this message will stir you to come before the Cross of Christ in repentance and faith and to walk in freedom, triumph, and victory.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/109/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 108
In our modern culture, we take sin extremely lightly. "It's no big deal!" we proclaim! "It was just one time!"
But Biblically, sin isn't something to trifle with, rather it is something that must be exposed and rooted from our lives.
Using the life of King David, looking specifically at his downfall into sin (recorded in 2 Samuel 11), this episode exposes the danger of sin and how quickly it is to cover it up (only leading to a greater tragedy and more sin).
David's life is a great picture of a man of God who (even if it was only once) decided to live out of his flesh and his own perspective and do whatever he wanted to do. And David's life is a reminder that we must not harden our hearts to God's conviction in our lives, but rather turn in repentance toward the only One who can forgive sins and bring forth life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/108/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 107
1 Kings 15:5 gives a tragic summary of David's life saying that David always did what was right in the eyes of God … except one time with Uriah the Hittite (speaking of his sin with Bathsheba).
How quickly a man of righteousness who had sweet intimacy with God fell to dreadful depths of sin and depravity.
While we can quickly write it off as one more leader who had moral failure, we must allow God to remind us that we too are susceptible to sin and we too can quickly fall, if we turn our gaze from Christ. We are not to have open windows or doors to sin in our lives, allowing the blizzard of sin to creep into our souls.
Using the changing of weather as an illustration, we briefly discuss David's downfall and our desperate need for Jesus every moment of every day.
» Get the show notes for this episode «
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 106
Names in Scripture reveal the life, character, nature, and reputation of the person. In the last episode, we discussed the significance of the Name of God and how understanding His Names will change our lives. In this episode, we meditate upon the majestic and beautiful names of Jesus Christ.
All throughout Scripture, names and descriptions are given for Jesus Christ. In this rich meditation, we declare the Names of Jesus which beckons us unto greater intimacy, relationship, and oneness with Him.
Stand in awe of the majesty and glory of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Download the shownotes (including all the Biblical references to all the Names mentioned) for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/106/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 105
Shakespeare wrote in Romeo and Juliet: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
While that may be true for the flower, it isn't true for names in the Bible.
Throughout Scripture, names of places and people hold tremendous significance … and perhaps one of the greatest discoveries is that God Himself reveals His Names. But more than a casual title, such names declare His character, nature, life, and reputation.
In this episode, we discuss the significance of names throughout Scripture (and I share one of my favorite and funny stories in the Old Testament) and show how understanding names can deepen your perspective on Scripture as well as change your life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/105/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 104
As Christians, we are called to walk and live in obedience to God and His Word, even if it doesn't make sense.
In John 9 there is a fascinating story of a blind man who – despite crazy circumstances – was willing to obey the command of Christ, and found sight as a result.
In this episode, we discuss obedience and how Jesus is calling us to obey His Word (which is not burdensome) even if it doesn't make sense or if we can see the end result or purpose in the moment.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/104/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 103
Christian biographies not only stir the soul, but provide great examples of men and women in history who have lived lives of surrender, obedience, and faith.
Such lives can encourage, exhort, and press us unto Jesus Christ, revealing His faithfulness and reminding us of the kind of life that Jesus calls us to.
In this episode, I discuss three reasons why reading Christian biographies help our spiritual lives and why you need to start reading one.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/103/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 102
Most of us are familiar with Jesus' parable about the Prodigal Son in Luke 15. And while I've heard numerous sermons on this incredible story, I gained a deeper understanding and perspective on the story a couple weeks ago that I want to share with you.
This fresh perspective will not only deepen your understanding of the story but it will make the heart and love of the Father become all the more real and significant.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 101
We live amidst a dark, polluted, and sexually perverse generation.
But does that mean we cater to culture and give into the immorality and twistedness? Of course not.
The question then becomes: how can we live a life of purity when we are surrounded by such impurity?
In his epistles, Paul gives us advice about how to live in purity, holiness, and righteousness … something he knew was possible as he lived in a similar generation of moral decay … but the Bible also gives us insight on how to, as Paul wrote in Romans 12:2, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind …"
In this episode, we talk about what it means to walk in purity, but more so what the Bible says about HOW you can live a life of purity.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/101/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 100!
Wow. A hundred episodes!
In this celebratory episode, I reflect back upon 100 episodes and give a short exhortation from Psalm 34 on "taste and see that the Lord is good."
Thank you for joining with me on this journey to pursue Jesus Christ, know Him intimately, dive deep into His Word (the Bible), and to build our lives around and upon Him. Jesus truly is to be our all in all.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/100/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 99
Anyone who listens to this podcast knows I'm a huge fan of Israel and understanding the Bible in light of its geographical and contextual background.
But before you decide to go on a trip to Israel, here are three things you should consider before signing up.
I also invite you to consider joining me on my next upcoming Israel Study Tour this August.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/99/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 98
One of my favorite preachers from history past is Major Ian Thomas. Ian Thomas was a powerful preacher and teacher whose entire focus was on Jesus Christ.
Every message I've heard Ian Thomas preach draws me into greater depth, understanding, and intimacy with Jesus.
In this sermon entitled "Knowing Jesus," Ian Thomas talks about Philippians 3:10 and what it means to actually know Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/98/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 97
In this episode, we listen to a profound sermon by Haddon Robinson called "Good Snakes Turned Bad." In it, he talks about the serpent that was lifted up during the 40 years Israel wandering in the Wilderness.
This sermon has deeply blessed and challenged me over the years as I am reminded how we often take what God has done in the past and try to force it into the present … in essence not living by the fire of God but by the ashes left by past fires.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/97/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 96
A short Christmas meditation about the wonder of Jesus being born in a stable.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 95
We often make things far too complicated (like ordering drinks at Starbucks). But the Gospel itself is simple enough even a child can understand it.
In this episode, I not only talk about how to order one of my favorite drinks at Starbucks, but I use it as an illustration that we must keep the simplicity of the Gospel – which is all about Christ and Him Crucified.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/95/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 94
Tis the Season! … for distraction.
Sadly, in this season between Thanksgiving and the New Year, most people seem to be in a whirlwind of hustle, bustle, busyness, and distraction.
Yet, though we should be focused all throughout the year, this is the season where we should have the most focus, the most intentionality – for the Christmas season truly is to one focus: Christ Himself.
In this episode, I give several fun (and disturbing) statistics for the distraction of the modern world and talk about the necessity of having Christ at the center of our focus and lives, especially during Christmas.
If you feel lost in a season of distraction, then this episode is for you.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/94/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 93
In the last episode (#92), we listened to a stirring sermon by Stephen Manley called "The Name of Jesus." This episode we listen to part two of this mini-series from Matthew 1:21 on the powerful and controversial Name of Jesus.
In this sermon, Stephen describes not just the power of Jesus' Name but also what the purpose of His Name is.
As we enter into this Christmas season and the celebration of the birth of Christ, we must remember that the focus and celebration of Jesus is not a one-time deal but an everyday reality for the life of a Christian.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/93/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 92
The Name of Jesus is powerful … and controversial.
As we approach this Christmas season and the celebration of the birth of Christ, we want to remember that the focus and celebration of Jesus is not a one-time deal but an everyday reality for the life of a Christian.
In this episode, we listen to a stirring sermon by Stephen Manley called "The Name of Jesus" taken from the passage in Matthew 1:21 – "And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins."
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/92/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 91
Most of us spend one day a year pondering what we are thankful for (Thanksgiving). But Christians are called to live a continual lifestyle of thanksgiving.
In this special Thanksgiving episode, we examine Ephesians 5:4 and discuss what it means to have the language of the kingdom of God—which is continually giving thanks. This isn't a one-time event but the daily expression and promotion of God's kingdom. For we as believers are to have a tongue (and life) of thanksgiving.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/91/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 90
At some point in life, we all face trials, difficulties, hardships, and circumstances. So the question becomes, how do we find peace and joy amidst those situations?
Looking at Romans 8:28, we are reminded that though God may not cause the circumstance we face, He is able to leverage it for good.
Using this as a foundation, this episode explores what it means to discover true peace and joy in any situation or circumstance of life – for our God is the Prince of Peace.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/90/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 89
The 2019 Israel Study Tour is officially open and this is my formal invitation to join me for an unforgettable experience of not only walking the Holy Land but studying the Bible in the very places it took place.
This episode gives you a quick overview of the trip, how you can find out more information, and how to sign up.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/89/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 88
Halloween is my least favorite "holiday." Every year as it approaches I cringe as I watch our culture celebrate darkness and death.
As Christians, how are we to think about a day that is so polluted by that which stands in opposition to Christ?
In this episode, I want to give an encouragement and hope amidst the darkness that swirls about on a day like today—a biblical reminder that light has come into the world and wherever light invades, darkness cannot reside.
In looking at Romans 8, Ephesians 1, and Acts 19, I remind us all that despite culture's celebration of darkness, our God is light and is triumphant over every principality, power, might, and dominion.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/88/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 87
Jesus makes it clear in John 17:3 that eternal life is to know Him—but what does it mean to know God? Is it merely facts, data, and information, or is it more than that?
In this episode, we discuss whether we actually have relationship and intimacy with Jesus or merely have information and knowledge about Him.
Taken from one of Nathan's most popular messages called Ginosko, this message is not only humorous in parts, but is deeply stirring and pressing as we seek to discover what it means to "know Christ and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death" (Philippians 3:10).
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/87/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 86
Most people get worn out and tired at some point in their lives, but burnout is an entirely different issue—one that often is prolonged, a feeling you can't go on, not sure you're going to make it, or that you're at the end of your rope.
So what do you do if you are facing burnout? Or better yet, what is the secret to avoiding burnout altogether?
In this episode, I want to share the simple secret that will keep you from burnout (and no doubt save you thousands of dollars in counseling fees and/or help for stress).
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/86/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 85
Many of us have things in our past which affect our present realities—events, hurts, circumstances, habits, failures, or any other "kicks of the cow" that we can't seem to forget no matter how much we try.
So what do we do with these past events?
In one of my favorite sermons by Stephen Manley from his series in Matthew, Stephen addresses our past and how we are deal with it biblically.
Taken from Matthew 27:52-53 (a scene right after the crucifixion of Jesus), this powerful sermon will bring encouragement and conviction about the things we are holding onto from our past.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/85/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 84
I'm a big fan of Christian biographies, especially stories of missionaries.
Somehow, I get lost in their stories, am edified by their lives, and challenged by their givenness to Jesus Christ.
I recently read Bruchko by Bruce Olson and was not only captivated by his story, but deeply convicted as well. So in this episode, I wanted to discuss seven things I learned while reading the book.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/84/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 83
Jesus declares in John 12:24, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain."
In order for a seed to produce life, it must be willing to lay down its life. As we go back into the classic sermon archives, Major Ian Thomas—a British preacher who knew what it meant to be completely focused upon and obsessed with Jesus—preaches a powerful sermon entitled "A Grain of Wheat."
Ian Thomas reminds us that "the life that [Jesus] lived qualified Him for the death that He died; the dead that He died qualifies you to receive the life that He lived." Truly a profound statement.
Would you be willing, as Ian Thomas exhorts, to lay down your life before Jesus Christ and allow Him to produce His life in and through you? For this truly is the essence of Christianity.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/83/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 82
In this classic Bravehearted Thot, my friend Eric Ludy uses several concepts from missionary CT Studd to ask us a few tough questions—such as:
Originally taken from the graduation message of the first Ellerslie Discipleship Semester in December 2010, Eric reminds us that we must give up our lives and surrender our will to the call of God. We must not have a limit to our obedience but rather be willing to give up the short season of our lives to serve our King no matter the cost.
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Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 81
American Ninja Warrior, one of my favorite shows, ended this week. While watching the final competition, I was struck by how the challenges and obstacles these athletes face is similar to our spiritual lives.
In this episode, I talk about how American Ninja Warrior can challenge our spiritual lives as we seek to be trained daily and allow God to prepare us for any challenge and obstacle that may lie ahead in our lives.
I also give seven ways God often trains us spiritually so we can purposefully choose transformation and growth in our spiritual lives.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/81/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 80
As Christians, the way we approach the Bible is important. Do we read or study God's Word flippantly, casually, or merely because we have to? No, of course not.
The way we approach Scripture will affect what we get from Scripture.
In this episode, I offer nine ways we as believers need to approach the Word of God—whether we read or study it.
Learn why you should become a journalist, detective, student, child, fertile soil, cow, teacher, servant, and a Christian in the reading and study of God's Word.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/80/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 79
Most Christians recognize that we (both personally and as the global Church) need revival. But what IS revival?
In this episode, we listen to a classic sermon by Leonard Ravenhill entitled: "True Revival: The Presence of God."
Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) preaches from Isaiah 4:1-4 and explains that revival isn't something we manufacture, rather revival is all about the presence of God.
Yes, our world, our country, and the Church desperately need revival, but let revival and transformation first start with each of us personally.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/79/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 78
I've been working on my upcoming book covering a simple and practical system to study the Bible … but before I finish, I need your advice to make sure I'm not missing any key concepts. So I encourage you to help me out by taking a moment to answer this question: "When it comes to how to study the Bible, what is the single biggest challenge, question, frustration, or problem that you've been struggling with?" » To leave a response, please visit the shownotes for this episode at https://deeperchristian.com/78
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/78/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 77
We know we are supposed to pray.
In fact, Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 that we are to pray without ceasing. But WHAT is it that we are to pray?
Though there are a variety of types of prayer, one method you could try is to pray Scripture itself.
When you take the words of God and use them as the basis for your prayer, you are merely crying out what God already wants to do and accomplish in your life.
In this episode, we use Ephesians 3:16-21 as an example of how you can take the Bible and use it to pray.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/77/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 76
In this short episode, I walk through the latest of Deeper Christian and talk about the new website update we are about to launch, my new book, and the next Israel trip.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/76/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 75
Many of us get stuck in our Bible study because we feel we need certain resources and tools to study well.
While Bible resources are great (and if you have access to them, you might as well use them), but the truth is that you don't need Bible resources to study the Bible.
The last couple days, I've been in training for how to use Logos Bible Software and while I love the program and what it can do, it reminded me that the most important thing for Bible study is not software, tools, or resources it is the Author Himself. And that's what I talk about in this Deeper Christian Podcast episode.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/75/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 74
We are not to be parrots.
Perhaps that is obvious, but too often in the Christian life, we "parrot" our faith rather than allow the Spirit of God to indwell and direct our lives.
In this teaching session I gave at the Cross Style Training Camp, I walk through Creation and the seven levels of lifeforms mentioned in Genesis 1-3 and show how trying to mimic God (which we often call "WWJD") is no different than a parrot trying to mimic a human.
We also discuss the two trees in Garden showing how one is a picture of dependence (the life of a Christian) and the other a life of independence.
Whether you listen to the episode or watch the video version on the show notes page at deeperChristian.com/74/ (which is encouraged since I use a whiteboard to teach the session), this episode will enunciate what it means to be a Christian to live by and in the Spirit of God.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/74/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 73
In episode 68, I gave a snapshot of the mysterious bride in Scripture, known as the Church. In today's episode, I share a recent sermon where I dive into the topic in depth and examine what it means to be the Bride of Christ, not merely from the New Testament, but all throughout Scripture, starting in Genesis.
The profound depth of this topic is itself a deep well of richness, which this sermon only scratches the surface yet will captivate and capture our hearts to continue to pursue our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/73/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 72
God indwelling man is not something we aspire to or hope for it is the reality of every Christian.
To be a Christian means that the life of Jesus indwells your life via the Holy Spirit. Anything less is not Christian.
And the indwelling life of Christ was one of Major Ian Thomas's favorite subjects to talk about.
In this episode of the Deeper Christian Podcast, we listen to a classic sermon by Major Ian Thomas called "Let God Be In You" and if you grasp the reality of this message, it is guaranteed to change your life for it is only when God (via the Holy Spirit) lives in our lives, do we find a Christianity that actually works.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/72/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 71
In the last episode, I invited you to a Bible Study Challenge diving into the bookends of Scripture (Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22).
In this episode, I walk through a variety of parallels that begin in Genesis and find their conclusion, fulfillment, and climax in Revelation.
If you want to see how God has written all of the Bible to say one thing, this episode will encourage and inspire you as you discover that all of Scripture has one message: Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/71/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 70b
I'm excited about the Bible Study Adventure Challenge but unfortunately, due to some scheduling conflicts, I won't be able to record the podcast until next week. So this gives you an extra week to dive into Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/70b/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 70
I invite you to join me on a Bible Study Challenge diving into the bookends of Scripture (Genesis 1-2 and Revelation 21-22).
These four chapters are the only chapters that are not tainted with sin and by looking at these four chapters, you discover several key themes that begin in Genesis and find their fulfillment in Revelation.
So take the challenge this week (learn more in the podcast) and let's talk about the majesty of Scripture in the next podcast.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/70/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 69
So often Christians wrestle through temptations and trials yet forget that many of our struggles are a result of an unrenewed mind.
If we desire to walk in victory and triumph in the Christian life, we must allow God to renew and redeem our minds.
In this episode, we focus on the mind and discuss the power of a renewed mind.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/69/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 68
The bride of Christ is beautiful to behold but the mystery of the bride is found all throughout Scripture, starting in Genesis.
In this sneak preview of my upcoming conference sermon, I talk about the Bride of Christ and reveal how she isn't merely a New Testament idea but rather the desire of God since the very beginning.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/68/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 67
Christianity can be summarized in one simple word: LIFE.
Of course, this refers to Jesus being our life for He is THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life. It is not that He has some life, He is life itself.
Interestingly, Jesus says that He has come to give life abundant a superlative which conveys something to the highest degree and quality.
In this episode, I give several of my favorite superlatives and talk about what it means to live the superabundant, superlative life which we have in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/67/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 66
We often declare we know certain truths but they have yet to change our lives.
In this episode, I want to give you a test to see if you genuinely know Calvary Love.
Calvary Love is not something to merely esteem or know information about it is something to embrace, experience, and be transformed by.
Though short, this episode dives into Amy Carmichael's book "If" and reads several of her "Calvary Love" statements and we listen to the lyrics of a new song written about Calvary Love from a good friend of mine.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/66/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 65
Summertime is often the season where things slow down, we begin to coast, and thus grow stale spiritually. But what if we could spiritually thrive rather than survive this summer?
In this episode, I give 12 ideas on how you can stay strong, continue to grow in your intimacy with Jesus and your love for His Word, and how to intentionally build your life around Him this summer.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/65/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 64
How often have you asked for and longed to understand God's will and plan for your life?
Does He even have a plan, or am I an afterthought or accident?
In this episode, we listen in to one of my favorite preacher's sermons as we discover God's calling and plan for your life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/64/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 63
In this third and final part of my sermon examining the Christophany of the Holy Land, we discuss the death of Christ and see how God wove a beautiful Christophany throughout the entirety of Scripture, ultimately pointing to the death of Jesus on the cross.
This episode is breathtaking in realizing the layers of detail in the Bible pointing to the cross, the day and time it happened, how festivals celebrated for a thousand plus years were all about THE Passover Lamb, and how even pagan cultural ceremonies were used to declare that Jesus is the Son of God, and came to save humanity from sin.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/63/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 62
A Christophany is a picture of Jesus seen throughout the Bible specifically the Old Testament.
And even the land itself, God's Promise Land, points to Jesus Christ and reveals our desperation and our need for dependency upon Him.
In this second episode looking at the Christophany from the Holy Land, we walk through the geography of Israel and discuss why God chose such a dry and weary land as His Promise Land.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/62/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 61
A Christophany is a picture of Jesus seen throughout the Bible specifically the Old Testament.
Though we quickly understand that prophecy in the Bible points to Jesus, so too do people, events, geography all types and shadows pointing to the fulfillment and fullness in Christ Jesus.
In this first part of a three-part series, we listen to one of my recent sermons and discover the delight of finding Jesus throughout all of God's Word.
This first section focuses on Jesus being our Rock and our Creator.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/61/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 60
The story of Martha and Mary in Scripture give a great contrast between distraction and devotion.
But the question remains how devoted, how obsessed, how in love should we be with Jesus?
The answer is: extravagantly.
In this episode, we discuss that Christianity is not a half-hearted pursuit of God, it is an all-out, completely obsessed, fully given over to seeking, loving, knowing, and being devoted to Him.
Join Nathan Johnson as we examine the lives of Martha and Mary to see the effects of a life extravagantly devoted to Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/60/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 59
Far too many Christians are distracted with "good things" and thereby sacrificing intimacy and devotion to Jesus.
In this episode, we examine the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10 and how their relationship to Jesus gives us a picture of how we are to relate to Jesus either completely devoted to Him and growing in intimacy or becoming distracted with anything else.
As Christians, we must not think that doing things FOR God is the same as having intimacy WITH Him.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/59/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 58
My trip to Israel was amazing and I want to quickly debrief the trip with you and share a few key things I learned along the way.
In this episode of the deeperChristian Podcast, I talk about 8 things I learned and was reminded of during the trip which you can apply to your own life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/58/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 57
In this short explanatory episode, I explain that I am "pushing pause" for a couple weeks on the Podcast as I head out to Israel with a group of 33 others. We will resume the podcast in a couple weeks. Until then, know I am cheering you on as you build your life around Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/57/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 56
In the last episode, we talked about how the Christian life is supposed to be one of victory, triumph, and freedom.
In this "part two" Paris Reidhead's sermon entitled "Victory," we continue to be exhorted on what it means to live the triumphant and victorious Christian life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/56/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 55
The Christian life is supposed to be one of victory, triumph, and freedom. We are not to be held by the tyranny of sin or defeat.
In this powerful episode, we listen to a sermon by Paris Reidhead entitled "Victory" about hear what it means to live the triumphant and victorious Christian life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/55/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 54
I want to get personal and talk about a few things I have learned from recently breaking my elbow.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/54/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 53
In episode 52, I mentioned that fellowship is one of the highest forms of prayer. But what is fellowship and what "type" are we to have?
In this episode, we discuss the Greek term koinōnia and the seven types of fellowship found in the New Testament and how each of them draws us into greater intimacy and oneness with Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/53/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 52
Prayer is a central part of the Christian life, yet many of us only pray one type of prayer (often self-focused and need-based).
In this episode, we discuss five types of prayer found in the Bible and how you can utilize them to cultivate a rich prayer life.
And the last type of prayer mentioned may surprise you, but I would argue it may be the highest form of prayer.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/52/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 51
I love listening to classic sermons from the Legends of yesteryear.
In this episode, we listen to what many consider to be one of the greatest sermons ever recorded in audio a sermon by Paris Reidhead called "Ten Shekels and a Shirt."
Be forewarned, this sermon is a doozy.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/51/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 50
The start of a new year (and the start of new months and quarters) are a great time to reflect on what has taken place and where you're going.
In this episode, we talk about five things you can do this week to create a better year.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/50/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 49
We know Bible reading is important, and with the start of the new year it is a perfect time to start a Bible reading plan but so often Bible reading can grow dull, boring, or become a duty and obligation.
In this episode, we discuss five ideas which will help your Bible reading this year stay fresh and exciting as you continue to grow in your Christian faith.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/49/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 48
If you were going to describe the Christian life in one word, what would you use?
"Life" would be a great candidate, I like the word "obsessed."
Obsession gives the notion of an all-out pursuit of one thing (in this case Jesus Christ).
In this episode, we listen to one of my all-time favorite sermons "Obsessed" by Stephen Manley. By the end, not only will you have heard incredible examples of a life filled with obsession but how your Christian life can be obsessed with Jesus Himself.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/48/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 47
Visiting Israel is a once in a lifetime experience for most people and it needs to be on your goal list, especially if you are a Christian.
In this episode, I give you six compelling reasons why you should consider taking a trip to Israel and discuss how you can join me in an upcoming trip this March where the Bible will come alive in living color as we walk the streets of the Holy Land.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/47/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 46
I read and learn a lot, but more often then not, I learn something but don't apply it.
And the difference between learning and studying, no matter in what area of life, is grand.
What if we intentionally learned less but studied more.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/46/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 45
Thanksgiving is upon us, but should a life of giving thanks be confined to a single holiday, or should it be the constant tone of our lives?
In this Deeper Christian Podcast episode, we discuss biblical thanksgiving and practical ways for you to live a thankful life every day of the year.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/45/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 44
Do you live a pampered-easy Christian life or do you live in such a way that puts pressure on the world around you?
In this Deeper Christian Podcast episode, we listen to a short sermon bravehearted thot, Art Katz examines the Christian life and the cross-life we are called to live.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/44/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 43
Journaling has had a profound impact on my life as I spend time reflecting, processing, growing, and marveling at the faithfulness of God.
In this Deeper Christian Podcast episode, we discuss journaling, why you should do it, and a simple system to make it easy and consistent.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/43/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 42
Do you have sin, emotional distress, twistedness, impurity, or any other "bitter" areas in your life?
God is Jehovah Rapha and longs to bring healing to those areas in your life.
In this Deeper Christian Podcast episode, we dive into Exodus 15 when God reveals His Name as Jehovah Rapha and discuss how God wants to plant a cross in the bitter areas of our lives.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/42/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 41
Are you facing a trial, hardship, difficulty, problem, or crisis?
In this deeper Christian Podcast episode, I open the archives of my sermons and play a sermon from six years ago looking at 2 Samuel 5 and reveal how God was not only the "Master of Breakthroughs" in David's circumstance, but He wants to do that in your life as well.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/41/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 40
God desires to bring His children into greater depths of intimacy, oneness, and Christ-likeness.
God uses this process of lifelong sanctification to bring about holiness, transformation, character, godliness, and life.
In this deeper Christian Podcast episode, I talk about 6 convicting questions God has used to do just that in my own personal life and invite you to ask these of yourself.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/40/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 39
Have you sought to find God's blessings for your life? In this episode of the deeperChristian Podcast, we dive deep on where every blessing from God is found in this study of Ephesians 1:3-14.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/39/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 38
Psalm 119 declares that we are to love, delight, and meditate upon God's Word.
In this episode of the deeperChristian Podcast, we talk about the corporate reading of the Bible and then do so by reading a selection of passages from Psalm 119.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/38/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 37
Do you know and experience the fullness of salvation? In today's special edition episode, we listen to a powerful short message from Major Ian Thomas called "Salvation."
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/37/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 36
What sets apart Biblical communication from every other type of communication?
In this deeper Christian episode, I share the four essential elements of Biblical communication and how you should apply them regardless of whether you preach, teach Sunday School, evangelize, or lead family devotions.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/36/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 35
You can find great Bible study resources in a lot of places in today's episode we talk about the three most popular options for the types of resources (in print, online, and computer programs) and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/35/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 34
We all know Bible study is important but few know how to do so or what tools and resources will help them dive deeper as they study the Bible.
In this episode, we discuss three important resources that will aid your study and help you get more out of your time in God's Word.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/34/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 33
I'm always interested in improving what I do and getting feedback from others is invaluable. I'd love to hear from you on how I can improve the deeperChristian website and podcast. And if you take the short survey before Tuesday (September 5), you'll also be entered to win the 5-volume Spurgeon Sermon Collection, retailed at $200.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/33/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 32
Biblically, truth is not mere facts and information truth is a Person named Jesus Christ.
In this episode, we discuss how to know truth and build our lives upon it.
The truth of Scripture (the Bible) and the Person (Jesus) is to gird and secure our lives as Christians.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/32/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 31
Every Christian is in a battle a spiritual battle.
Paul says we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but we do fight a spiritual battle in the heavenly places.
Is this a cute metaphor for the believer or are we in a literal battle?
And if it is real, how do we stand strong against the enemy.
In this episode, we discuss the spiritual battle and how to be triumphant and victorious amidst it.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/31/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 30
God made us to obsessed.
The question is not are you going to be obsessed the real question is what are you going to be obsessed with?
In today's episode, we tackle obsession and the fact that every Christian should be obsessed with Jesus.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/30/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 29
Spiritual growth is important to the Christian life and one of the fastest ways to grow is to find a Christian mentor.
In this episode we talk about the importance of Christian mentoring and discipleship and how you can find a mentor.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/29/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 28
God desires for us to know His will and in this episode, we are going to listen to a sermon I recently preached on Ephesians 5:17 and discuss how to discover God's will for your life.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/28/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 27
Too often, we approach life lackadaisical and passive rather than purposeful.
In this episode of the deeperChristian Podcast, we discover why we must be intentional to purposefully grow in our Christian lives (and an idea to get you started).
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/27/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 26
Do you have the heart of God and experience His anguish?
In today's special edition episode, we listen to a short message from David Wilkerson called "A Call to Anguish."
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/26/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 25
While many of us know the importance of Bible study in our lives, few of us know where to start.
In this episode, we discuss several recommended books to begin your own book study of God's Word.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/25/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 24
Classic Christian books can be a great benefit and blessing in the Christian life.
In today's episode, I share 5 authors whose books have had a huge impact on my life and will help you grow in your walk and relationship with Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/24/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 23
Knowing how to study the Bible is important and profitable in the Christian life if we actually do it.
Using the three questions/steps from the previous episodes, we are looking at how to study the Bible using an example from Acts 1:8.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/23/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 22
Merely learning about a Bible passage isn't Bible study.
We must not only know what the text means but we must take the third step of good Bible study and allow the Holy Spirit to apply the passage to our lives.
In the conclusion of this three-part series, we examine how to apply what you study to your life so that you'll grow and mature as a Christian.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/22/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 21
In this part two of a three-part series, we talk about how to study the Bible through three easy steps.
The desire of this miniseries is for you to go deeper in your study, understand what is being said, and how to increase in intimacy with Jesus Christ through His Word.
In this second step, we focus on interpretation and how to find the meaning of a text.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/21/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 20
Studying the Bible is critical to the Christian life.
In this first of three episodes, we look at the first step to help you study the Bible: observing the text.
Through explanation, helpful questions, and an example, you will understand the basics of observing a passage of Scripture.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/20/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 19
In the conclusion of this two-part series, we finish listening to one of my favorite sermons and talk about what it means to be filled with, focused upon, and sourced by the Spirit of God.
There is an unasked question that must be answered in each of our spiritual lives.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/19/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 18
In this first part of a two-part series, we are listening to one of my favorite sermons and talking about what it means to be filled with, focused upon, and sourced by the Spirit of God.
There is an unasked question that must be answered in each of our spiritual lives.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/18/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 17
Do you live with eternity in view?
Leonard Ravenhill was famous for quoting Jonathan Edwards when he said: "O God, stamp eternity upon my eyeballs."
What if we as Christians saw the value in every moment of our day and lived unto the glory of Jesus Christ with the 1440 minutes God has given us today?
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/17/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 16
Did you ever set your heart to seek the Lord?
That's how Richard Owen Roberts opens a powerful short sermon nugget.
In today's special edition episode, we listen to a three minute message from Roberts about our need to seek God and live fully for Him.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/16/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 15
Too often Christians today live defeated by sin.
Yet God s Word declares that the Christian life is to be triumphant and victorious sin is not to have dominion over us, we aren't to be weighed down with destructive habits, nor are we suppose to just roll over and give in every time temptation shows up.
In today's episode, you will discover a simple strategy to stay victorious over sin.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/15/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 14
If you struggle to read the Bible, find it hard to develop the habit of doing so or keep a freshness to it, here are 7 Bible reading plans to help you start a daily habit of reading God's Word and find incredible enjoyment through diving into Scripture.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/14/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 13
If reading your Bible has become dull, non-existent, or if you desire to get more out of it when you read, I want to give you ten helpful ways you can read the Bible.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/13/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 12
As Christians, we often live our lives forgetting who God is or how His character affects us.
Hebrews 13:5-6 declares: "For He Himself has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' So we may boldly say: 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?'"
We must realize that God will never leave or forsake us and that truth can transform how we live every day.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/12/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 11
One simple truth in Scripture has the ability to radically change how we live, study the Bible, interact with God, and increase our faith and trust in Him.
Simply, it is the fact that God does not change, cannot lie, and desires to form you into a Christian of constancy.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/11/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 10
All Scripture both the New AND the Old Testaments point to Jesus Christ.
In today's episode, we explain how Jesus is on every page of Scripture and how everything ultimately points to Him and His work upon the cross.
You will also hear my three favorite Christophanies (places where Jesus is seen in the Old Testament) which cause me to cry "wow!"
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/10/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 9
Most Christians know that the Bible is important to their lives but few Christian actually know how to get into it (whether reading, studying, memorizing, etc).
In today s episode, we will discuss ten reasons and benefits to why you should study the Bible and pursue Him through His Word.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/009/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 8
We understand that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but are we allowing Him to truly guide and shepherd us in our everyday life?
In this episode, we listen to a guest sermon by Stephen Manley who investigates the concept of “guide” and shows how it applies to Jesus. Do we merely want information about Jesus or do we want Jesus? Do we want religious activities or do we actually desire for Him to guide and lead us in our lives?
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/008/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 7
Welcome to episode 7 of the deeperChristian Podcast—in this episode, we conclude our mini-series on five ways to grow in your spiritual life—focusing on five key ways to grow and experience lifelong transformation in Jesus Christ.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/007/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 6
In this episode, we continue our mini-series on five ways to grow in your spiritual life—with a focus on evangelism and the importance of sharing Jesus with the world around you. I want to talk about the “volcano effect” and what happens when you get to know Jesus (truth) and the passion and enthusiasm that comes out of your life. We will also discuss three ways you can begin to Share Jesus with the world around you.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/006/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 5
In this episode, we continue our mini-series on five ways to grow in your spiritual life—with a focus on evangelism and the importance of sharing Jesus with the world around you.
I want to talk about the “volcano effect” and what happens when you get to know Jesus (truth) and the passion and enthusiasm that comes out of your life.
We will also discuss three ways you can begin to Share Jesus with the world around you.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/005/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 4
As a Christian, we long to grow spiritually, know Jesus more intimately, and have a greater understanding of His Word. In part two of this five-part series, we examine the second pillar to Christian growth: studying God’s Word.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/004/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 3
As a Christian, we long to grow spiritually, know Jesus more intimately, and have a greater understanding of His Word. In part one of this five-part series, we examine the first pillar to Christian growth: worship.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/003/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 2
Welcome to Episode Two of the deeperChristian Podcast!
In this episode, NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) takes listeners into a study of Ephesians 3:16-21 and looks at who God is and what He is able to do in and through our lives.
Many of us have situations, struggles, temptations, hardships, crisis, and problems in our lives. In the midst of these trials, we must come to understand that God is able to carry us through and handle every situation and problem we come against.
In this illuminating Bible study focused on Ephesians 3:20, you will discover that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that we can ask or imagine.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/002/
Deeper Christian Podcast • Episode 1
Welcome to the first episode of the deeperChristian Podcast!
In this episode, NRJohnson (Nathan Johnson) talks about what the deeperChristian Podcast is and what you can expect in the upcoming episodes.
It is finally here!
The deeperChristian Podcast has launched! Join us as we look at an overview of the podcast, what you can expect, and what you will get from taking the time to listen to the podcast.
Download the shownotes for this episode and get other Christ-centered teaching and resources at: deeperChristian.com/001/
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