re:ni's secret weapon is the way she plays with rhythm with such ease.
Whether banging 130bpm club tracks or nailing down slick UK techno,
keeping it deep with 100bpm rollers freaking you out with acid she is
a devilishly dexterous DJ. Because of this she has become an NTS
regular, firm favourite at places like De School and Dimensions and
counts Timedance boss Batu and the Livity Sound crew as fans.
In the mix for us she serves up all sorts of futurist beats that are
wired up with electronics or stripped back to more haunting and
hypnotic sound worlds. Reni's ability to manipulate rhythm and
texture, time and space is utterly thrilling and finds her go from
slowed down dub to high octane minimalism and on to jungle with ease
over the course of this slick 90 minute selection.