Two of the industry's top decoy arisans, Pat Gregory and Rick Pierce, sat down with Joel at the Duck Hunters Expo in Little Rock, AR, and went down a deeeep rabbit hole into the world of decoy carving. From family to tradition; how a decoy hunter finds the hobby. From history to novelty: what makes carving decoys mesmerizing for the carver and viewer. As this hobby is inexorably tied to the sport of duck hunting, the decoys have become a part of the cycle of duck hunting: Off-season creation, the shot in a well-used decoy, how a carver sees a bagged duck, and how those birds inspire new creations. You can get started too, as our trio finds this hobby is more accessible than ever to someone just starting on a block of wood. Strap in for all of that and the one phrase that will make a decoy carver's spine shiver.
Delta Waterfowl: