We are excited to collaborate with our partners in The Democracy Group podcast network to bring you a bonus episode on how COVID-19 is impacting democracy in the United States and around the world.
COVID-19 brings together several issues that have long been talked about separately — political polarization, misinformation, international cooperation, democratic norms and institutions, and many others. We dive into some of those issues in this episode and discuss how we can all work together to protect, and even strengthen, democracy as we emerge from the first wave of the pandemic.
For more information about The Democracy Group podcast network, visit democracygroup.org. Thank you to Democracy Group Network Manager Katie DeFiore for producing this episode!
Jenna Spinelle, Communications Specialist at the McCourtney Institute for Democracy
Host, Democracy Works
Luke Knittig, Senior Director of Communications at the McCain Institute
Host, In The Arena
Jeremi Suri, Mack Brown Distinguished Professor in the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas Austin
Host, This is Democracy
Rachel Tausenfreund, Editorial Director at the German Marshall Fund of the United States
Host, Out of Order
Weston Wamp, Senior Political Strategist and Consultant at Issue One
Host, Swamp Stories