With the Winter Solstice just days away (December 21st) we wanted to record a collective tarot reading & meditation to share with you the lessons and guidance you may need to hear as we move into this new season. Madison performs a tarot reading, interpreting the cards as a call for rest and self-care during the busy holiday season.
Molly guides you through a meditation perfect for those who are struggling to get into the mode of rest and receiving, or those of you who feel like you are swept up in the busy and are ready to feel restful. This is an active meditation, but you may also want to revisit it when you’re able to be still and focused.
🔮Winter solstice reiki ceremony link: https://www.mollydonlan.com/winter
🔮 Winter Solstice Spell Candle: https://thehealinghedgewitch.com/products/winter-solstice-spell-candle
🔮 Join the waitlist for Reiki 1: The Science of Self-Healing: https://www.mollydonlan.com/reikiwait
🔮 Download the FREE Manifest with Reiki Ritual: https://www.mollydonlan.com/manifestwithreiki
🔮 Shop magical tools to enhance your practice, use code MAGIC to get 20% off your order: https://thehealinghedgewitch.com/
🥳 Submit your questions/topic requests here: https://forms.gle/t8iwjYbA6Re4WTqN6
Let us know your thoughts:
✨ Demystify Magic instagram: @demystifymagic
✨ Molly’s instagram: @m0dizzl3
✨ Madison’s instagrams: @madisonlillian.jpeg and @healinghedgewitch