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Interior designers love to use Facebook and Instagram to highlight their work and connect with potential clients. But for some reason, they view Twitter as the third rail of social media. Today, we’re going to try to change your mind about that with a look at what the new ROI for Twitter is.
Talking with Natalie and Darla today is Madalyn Sklar, a serial entrepreneur, community builder and a Twitter black belt with more than two decades of digital marketing experience and 13 years (since Twitter was a baby) of social media marketing under her belt. She’s been ranked the #1 Twitter influencer in Houston year after year and she runs the #TwitterSmarter chat every week that has raked in more than 6 billion impressions (McDonald’s has nothing on her) and she hosts the #TwitterSmarter podcast. By the way, that is her pared-down bio. We could have gone on and on.
What You’ll Hear On This Episode of Wingnut SocialEveryone loves Instagram for the visuals, but as Madalyn says on this week’s show, Twitter can be very visual as well. You can post photos, videos, you can share other people’s visuals very easily. It’s easy to think of Twitter as just a text medium, but it’s really used for much more than that.
Madalyn is also an expert in convening Twitter chats and putting hashtags on steroids to work for her. There’s a lot of really valuable insight here into how you can use Twitter to help with your marketing.
Consumption is the new ROIOne of the things that makes Twitter so difficult to crack is that we’re looking at it the wrong way, says Madalyn. In fact, she told us a story about Miri Rodriguez, a storyteller for Microsoft, who says that instead of looking at follower counts or engagements or ROI, we should think about consumption. How much of our social presence is being consumed by others?
In other words, they don’t have to follow you or like something that you post to consume what you post. It’s really a new way of looking at
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