This podcast offers something a little different as we talk to staff and alumni students from WMG Academy for Young Engineers, a UTC situated in Coventry.
For those unfamiliar, UTCs or 'University Technical Colleges' to give them their full title are government-funded schools with a heavy STEM curriculum focus. The original UTCs filled with students from age 13/14 (year 9) to the sixth form, although a small number have since received government permission to recruit from year 7 (11 years old).
WMG Academy opened just a little over seven years ago and from day one set out to connect with local business and industry, offering SMEs and multi-national companies the same opportunity to assist in curriculum delivery through talks, workshop participation and providing both case studies and context for student learning. The UTC movement inspires and informs young people by showing them the plethora of opportunities available within the engineering, manufacturing, digital and design sectors.
In this podcast, we are fortunate to be in conversation with:
So sit back, plug those ear pods in and enjoy Designed for Life - In conversation with WMG Academy for Young Engineers
This podcast has been recorded with the help of our sponsors, The Edge Foundation inspiring the education system to give all young people across the UK the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need to flourish in their future life and work, and PTC Onshape Providing industry-standard cloud-based CAD to education
We are indebted to both The Edge and PTC Onshape for their continued support.