Upgrading BIG-IP on the command line:
1. Upload the image to your BIG-IP’s /shared/images directory
1. scp
2. Login to your BIG-IP
1. Ssh
[email protected]
3. Make sure the image is verified
1. tmsh list /sys software image
4. Install the image in existing non-active volume (**or create one)
1. tmsh install /sys software image
volume HD1.2
5. Wait for your BIG-IP to complete the installation
1. tmsh show /sys software status
6. Copy your BIG-IP config, if desired, into the newly updated volume and reboot
1. cpcfg --source=HD1.1 --reboot HD1.2
7. Take a bow, grab a beverage, call it a day
(music by Jake Rahm)