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We have all started our careers from somewhere. Some people may have known exactly what they were up to from the get-go. But most of us were walking the path zigzagging through different roles and responsibilities.Meeri Varis recently had her first summer job in a systems testing team. In this episode she shares her seven things every novice should know about test automation:1. Don't underestimate your skills, but make sure you really understand2. People are your only good resource3. Observations are key4. Don’t spend all your time trying to learn their language5. Learn your strengths6. A big part of your value for the team comes from your adaptability7. Take a lot of notesMeeri is joined by Saara Laakko, a DevOps Consultant from Eficode.Meeri in LinkedIn in LinkedIn Do you manage your software or does it manage you? Why and how to assess the test automation maturity? to test automation and Robot framework