“Who am I to judge?” How many times have you heard someone say that? Perhaps you’ve said it yourself. But is it something we should say? Are we unqualified or not even responsible to judge someone else? That will be our topic today as we look at Matthew chapter seven, verses 1-6. I’ve entitled this episode “Just Judgment” because there are two kinds of judgment: One that is inappropriate and sinful, and the other that is not only necessary, but expected for those who are approved by God. In this passage, Jesus will deal primarily with unjust judgment. He knew He was dealing with a people who would hear His words, misunderstand and then misapply them. They would, as we so often do, hear what the Word of God says, and somehow think it applies to someone else in the audience, but not us. One of the things about so-called spiritual people, is that they tend to expect non-spiritual people to live up to their higher standards. They find someone who is less spiritual than themselves and then judge them for their lack of spirituality. They place unnecessary burdens on those who have no business carrying them, while actually giving themselves a free pass.