Today, we continue our look at 1 John chapter one, verse five, through chapter two, verse two. Today’s episode is entitled, “To Sin or Not to Sin” because in these verses John is going to address the ever-present reality of sin in the life of the believer. While we have been freed from the penalty for our sin, we have not had the presence of sin eradicated from our lives. We still harbor our sin nature and must daily battle with its presence and its desire to fulfill what Paul calls the desires of the flesh. But John is going to make it perfectly plain that, as believers, we no longer have to sin. We have an option. Because we now have the Holy Spirit of God residing within us, empowering us to resist the pervading influence of the flesh. We can say no to sin and yes to righteousness. It is a daily choice, a minute-by-minute decision. And John will remind us that when we do sin, because we will, we don’t have to despair, we simply need to confess our sin and receive God’s forgiveness – paid for by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.