This is episode four on 1 John chapter two, verses 3-11 and we will continue to dig into John’s admonition that we love others. John describes what we are to do as a new commandment, one given to us by Jesus Himself. This is not an optional or discretionary suggestion, but a command. And our obedience to it is not left up to our own flesh, weakened as it is by sin. We have been given the Spirit of God, who provides us with the power of God, and makes it possible to love as we have been loved by God. In a world that is marred by hate and superficial forms of selfish, self-centered love, we are to model Christ-like love that is totally selfless and sacrificial. That is why Jesus said the world would know we are His disciples by the way we love one another. That kind of love is not of this world. It is supernatural and impossible to create on our own. The world doesn’t have a version of that kind of love. It is alien and other-worldly. Men can try to fake it, but they can’t make it. One of the reasons God left us here is so that we might be the means by which His love manifests itself in flesh and blood.