This is our second episode looking at 1 John 2, verses 12-17, and is entitled, “A Timely Reminder”, because it contains some encouraging words we all need to hear. While John was writing to a particular group of believers, his words are inspired by the Holy Spirit and are timeless in nature. In these verses, he will remind us of some irrefutable facts about us due to our relationship with Jesus Christ. It is amazing how easy it is for us to forget these truths or simply become so complacent about them, that they no longer carry any weight in our lives. But John would have us reconsider the incredible nature of what God has done for us and to us as a result of His Son’s death on the cross. We have been made right with God. No more condemnation. No more fear of death. We have forgiveness of sins and the peace that comes with knowing that our eternity is secure. And if there was ever a time we needed to hear those words, it is now.