This is the second of seven episodes on 1 John, chapter two, verses 18-27. It’s entitled, “Truth Is Not Relative” and is going to deal with the common misconception that truth is highly subjective. In John’s day, just as in ours, there were a lot of people who rejected Jesus’ claim to be the truth, the only truth. There were more than enough people who were willing to admit that Jesus lived and died. They might even admit that He was sent by God. But as far as being the Messiah and the God-Man who died on the cross for the sins of mankind, that was another matter. Jesus’ claim to be the way, the truth and the life has always had its detractors and deniers. The exclusivity of that claim has always left some shaking their head in disbelief. It comes across to them as arrogant and intolerant. They can’t imagine a god who offer something so significant as eternal life and then be so unjust as to offer only one way of attaining it. But John wants us to know that anyone who claims a truth other than Christ is not only mistaken, they’re a liar.