This is the sixth episode on 1 John, chapter two, verse 28 through chapter three, verse 10. It’s called, “The Lure of Lawlessness” and will confront us with the ever-present danger we all face of giving in to a spirit of lawlessness or sin. For John, sin was more than just a singular act one commits in disobedience to God. It is a spirit of opposition to God. It is living your life in rebellion against the will of God. And, as far as John was concerned, those who made a practice of sinning, who lived in a habitual state of sin, were opposed to God. Their sin was lawlessness, living as if the laws of God did not even exist. And even believers can find themselves falling into the trap of lawlessness – if they do not abide in Christ. Without the power that comes from abiding in or remaining in Christ, we can fall prey to our own sin natures and become susceptible to the influences of the enemy. When we become unmoored or untethered from Christ, we find ourselves adrift in the current of life without any means of directing our course or navigating the dangers of life. That is why abiding is so important in the life of the believer.