In this, our fifth episode on 1 John, chapter three, verses 11-24, we be digging further into John’s thoughts regarding love and hate. For John, love was an essential characteristic of the believer’s life that was non-negotiable. It came with the territory, because God Himself is love and we are the children of God. As His sons and daughters, we are to love as He has loved us. It is part of our new nature. Our new life in Christ provides us with a new capacity to love one another, no matter how unlovely or unlovable the other person might be. The love of God allows us to love those who don’t look like us, act like us, think like us, or even speak the same language as us. This new, Spirit-produced love, is non-judgmental and doesn’t show favoritism. It is selfless and gracious. It is forgiving, patient and kind. It knows no boundaries, refusing to let things like race, economic status or educational accomplishment determine its target. This kind of love is addictive and attractive to some, while repugnant to others. It is difficult to comprehend and impossible to replicate. Because it comes from God. It is not of this world. Which is why the world hates it and all those who exhibit it.