This is episode six on 1 John, chapter four, verses 1-6 and it’s entitled, “Ears to Hear.” One of the things John stresses is the need for the people of God to be discerning. And there is no reason for us not to be. We have the Word of God available to us and the Spirit of God living within us. We have ample help in telling the difference between false teaching and the truth of God. But it requires that we listen carefully. We are not to accept what anyone says just because they claim to speak for God. We live in an age of tolerance and subjectivity. Everyone is free to have their own opinion. We are told not to judge others or to push our views on anyone else. But John would have us remember that there is truth and error, righteousness and unrighteousness. And we are to have nothing to do with those who would twist the truth of God or try to offer a different gospel. Listening to anyone and everything can be dangerous. As children of God, we are equipped to recognize and respond to the Word of God spoken by those who have been called by God.