This is episode four on 1 John, chapter four, verses 7-21 and is entitled, “Real Love.” There is a lot of confusion about love these days. So, it is essential that we listen closely to what the apostle John has to say about the topic. He is going to provide us with a vastly different definition of love than what we hear being proclaimed today. The three verses we are going to concentrate our attention on today will give the impression that true love is best expressed through actions. After all, John will remind us: “let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” So, our love is to be tangible. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. But is meeting the physical needs of others the only legitimate expression of our love? Is there more that we should be doing? John will talk about Jesus laying down His life for us. And he will challenge us to do the same for others. This isn’t about writing a check, providing a handout, or meeting a temporal need. John is calling us to a greater kind of love, a love that the world cannot offer. It’s a real love that does far more than meet worldly needs or provide temporary relief from pain and suffering.