In today’s episode we’ll be in chapters 7 and 8 of the book of Judges and I’ve entitled it “Little Is Much When God Is In It.” Those are actually the lyrics from a song made popular by the Gaither Vocal Band a number of years ago. They speak of God’s ability to use our weakness to accomplish great things for the kingdom. When God is the power behind our efforts, we can accomplish great things and enjoy remarkable victories. We live in a world where everything seems to be measured in numbers. We are convinced that more means better. In fact, we say things like “the more, the merrier” and “bigger is better”. But in God’s grand scheme of things, less is often more. That was to be the case in the story of Gideon and his battle against the Midianites. He was already outnumbered and grossly under-equipped to face the Midianite army, and then found himself receiving some less-than-logical directions from God to reduce his forces even further. What God was telling him to do made no sense. It seemed suicidal. But God was out to show Gideon and the people of Israel that they needed Him far more than He needed them. The victory they sought was going to be up to God, not the number of troops they could muster. Bad odds don’t scare God. And our weakness doesn’t cause God to worry one bit, because when all is said and done, it is He who brings the victory. Not us.