In today’s episode, based on 2 Corinthians 4:1-7, we will hear Paul describing himself as a jar of clay, a seemingly value-less vessel, made of the basest of materials, but containing the very glory of God in the form of the Holy Spirit. For Paul, the unbelievable reality of his position as a son of God and a spokesman for the gospel of Jesus Christ was never something he took for granted. He was not impressed with himself, and so, he really saw no reason to waste his time trying to impress others. It was enough to him that he was used by God. So, all the hub-bub about his credentials or qualifications to be an apostle meant nothing to him. He knew he was being used by God because he had seen the life change among the believers in Corinth. And he was content in knowing that the power of God dwelt within him, and shown out of him to all those around him. His resume was of no significance. His accomplishments were pointless and meaningless. It was all God. He was the one who was doing the work. Paul was simply an unworthy vessel, an instrument in the Redeemer’s hands, accomplishing His divine will, not because of Paul, but in spite of him. The power was all God’s. And the glory was His as well.