In chapter 9 of 2 Corinthians, Paul continues to deal with the sometimes unpopular topic of giving. For Paul, giving was not a dirty word, it was simply an expression of gratitude for all that God has done for us. God has been gracious, so why shouldn’t we be? God has given to us freely and richly, so why would we not be willing to share with others? Selfishness has no place in the body of Christ. A me-centered attitude is antithetical to all that Christ taught and the life that He modeled. So, for Paul, giving was to be a normal and natural part of the believer’s life. And what was amazing about the kind of generosity Paul describes is that God is the one who gets the glory, not the giver. Just as misuse of financial assets within the church can damage the reputation of God, our generous giving brings glory and honor to Him. The lost world is given a first-hand glimpse into the goodness of God through the goodness expressed by His children through their overflow of generosity to those in need. Jesus had told His followers that the world would recognize them as His disciples by their love for one another. And loving generosity is a tangible expression of that love.