Is the truth really relative? Well, the truth is, many today believe that it is. They have listened to the enlightened ones of our day and bought into the notion that truth is subjective and the versions of the truth are as many as there are people on the planet. But that version of the truth is nothing more than a lie of the enemy. It stands against what God has claimed about Himself, that He is the God of all truth. It also stands against what Jesus claims about the Word of God, “Your word is truth.” But truth has always been under attack and it was no different in Paul’s day. So, in 2 Corinthians 11:1-15, we will take a look at Paul’s defense of the truth. He will expose the gullible, tolerant and undiscerning nature of the Corinthians believers, reprimanding them for their too-easy-acceptance of falsehood disguised as truth. It didn’t seem to matter if someone was teaching a different Jesus, a different gospel or a different Holy Spirit, they were more than willing to accept it as truth. And all to their own detriment. But Paul stood in the gap. He refused to give in. He refused to put up with falsehood. Because the truth of God matters.