In verses 8-11 of 2 Peter 1, Peter continues his discussion of the Christ-like qualities that should be a part of every believer’s life. But they don’t just happen. We have to make every effort, Peter says, that they are added to our faith. And they should be increasing each and every day that we live on this planet. For Peter, this is all about our effectiveness as believers. These character qualities or attributes are not just window-dressing to make our spiritual lives look better on the outside. They are essential ingredients to living lives of spiritual maturity and gospel integrity. In fact, Peter says that if we practice these qualities, we will never fail. That’s quite a promise. But it’s based on the Word of God and the presence of the Spirit of God in the life of each and every believer. We have what we need to see that these qualities are added to our faith and that they increase over time. So, in essence, we become increasingly more like Christ the longer we live on this planet, in spite of an enemy who hates us and is out to destroy us. For Peter, the bottom line was that our belief in Christ should be evident in the way our behavior mirrored that of Christ.