What kind of person should you be? These days, it seems like everybody has an opinion. And if you don’t meet their expectations, they are more than happy to let you know. They may express their disappointment and disapproval in anger, rejection, shame, humiliation, or outright hostility. But in 2 Peter 3:8-13, Peter is going to point us to God, and remind us to worry about what He thinks about us and what He expects of us. False teachers were having a negative influence on the believers to whom Peter was writing, by casting dispersions on their beliefs and tempting them to doubt the validity of Christ’s second coming. But Peter warns that God was far from done. Just because things seemed to be delayed and there was no real evidence that Christ’s return was eminent, did not mean it wasn’t going to happen. And rather than worrying about when Jesus was going to return, Peter wanted his readers to concern themselves with what they would look like when He did. Would they be holy and godly? Would they be ready? They needed to leave the timing up to God, focusing their attention on their own pursuit of Christ-likeness, and sharing the gospel with all those who needed to hear it.