In the opening lines of his book, Luke reiterates the promise made by Jesus to His disciples. He had told them that He was leaving, but He had promised to send them another comforter, the Advocate or Holy Spirit, who would indwell and empower them. And He had instructed them to return to Jerusalem and to wait for the Spirit’s arrival. Unaware of just what they were getting themselves into, the disciples would end up doing just as Jesus said. And Luke is going to provide us with a blow-by-blow, detailed account of what happened after Jesus ascended back into heaven. This chronicle of those days following the ascension of Jesus, as the disciples sat waiting for His promise to be fulfilled, is a first-person glimpse into a once-in-a-lifetime event that was going to revolutionize not only the lives of the 11 disciples He had left behind, but the world itself. The pages of this book are filled with the record of actual, historical events, but also with unbelievable and theological insightful details regarding the early church. We are about to discover our rich heritage as followers of Christ and get a much-needed reminder of who we are and the nature of the promise we have received from Jesus in the form of the Holy Spirit. Read these pages carefully, eagerly and reverently. In them you will find a timely reminder that Jesus did not leave you as an orphan, but sent His Holy Spirit to comfort, guide and empower you to do mighty acts for God.