As we begin Acts 14, the first seven verses will reveal Paul and Barnabas ministering in the synagogue in Iconium. They would experience remarkable success in their efforts among the Jews and Greeks, seeing many come to faith in Christ. But they would also encounter more resistance, with some of the Jews doing everything in their power to turn the people against Paul and Barnabas. The end result was that the city became divided, with some siding with Paul and Barnabas, while others chose to join the Jews in their resistance of the gospel. But the real question is, why did some believe while others refused? What was it that caused some of the Jews and Gentiles to hear the message of Paul and Barnabas, accept it and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior? And yet, many others heard the very same message and ended up trying to stone the men who delivered it. It was the same message delivered by the same two individuals. So, what made the difference? What was the deciding factor that led to the conversion of some and not others? For Paul, the answer was simple. It was the sovereign grace of God. Anyone who came to faith, did so, not because of Paul’s powers of persuasion or their own intelligence, but because God had called them. Salvation was and is the work of God, from beginning to end. Paul knew it, because he had witnessed it. Paul was convinced of it, because he had experienced it.