As the second of the three woes is pronounced, John is going to get a ring-side seat to mankind’s sin-hardened heart. The dreadful wrath of God will fall on men, in the form of three devastating plagues that kill one-third of the earth’s population. But as incredible as this sounds, the more amazing thing is that those who survive this unbelievable event, will still refuse to turn to God in repentance. Revelation 9:13-21 provides a sad indictment on humanity and its stubborn refusal to acknowledge God as the one true God. The people who will be alive on the earth during these final days of the tribulation will reflect the same attitude that the rest of humanity has displayed for generations. In spite of God’s judgment against them, they will refuse to give up their false gods and arrogantly persist in doing things their way, seeking help and hope in anything and everything but God. And the list John provides of their false gods, includes demons as well as idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood. None of which can see, hear or even walk. And yet, the survivors of this apocalyptic scene will continue to turn to false gods rather than place their hope in the God of the universe. The God who made them and who is bringing His judgment against them.