It is not a minor thing to be judged by God. Whether you are an individual, a nation, a king or a false religion, as the author of Hebrews states, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Throughout the book of Revelation, we have seen what the judgment of God looks like, and it is not a pretty picture. God is holy, righteous and just, and He cannot and will not tolerate the rebellion of mankind forever. He has been patient. He has endured their ridicule and rejection of His rightful place as the God of the universe. He even allowed them to crucify His own Son. In fact, it was His plan that His Son die so that sinful men might have a means of being restored to a right relationship with Him through faith in His Son’s sacrificial death. But for all those who refuse His gracious offer of salvation, He will bring judgment. Their crimes against His sovereign rule will demand it. And as we will see in Revelation 18:9-20, the city of Babylon, capital of the Antichrist’s kingdom during the tribulation, will also come under the wrath of God, suffering utter destruction at His hands. Long the symbol of immorality and rebellion, Babylon will be laid waste, the well-deserving recipient of God’s righteous wrath.