The 1,000-year reign of Christ. This is a much-debated topic among theologians. There are those who take it literally and others who see it as figurative. But in Revelation 20:1-6, John is going to describe what appears to be a very real and literal 1,000-year-long period of time, during which Jesus Christ will reign from a literal throne in a very literal Jerusalem. This is what is referred to as the millennial kingdom of Christ. And one of the most amazing aspects of this period of time is the absence of Satan and his influence. Antichrist and the false prophet will already be imprisoned in the lake of fire or hell. But Satan will be captured and thrown into the abyss, where he will be kept imprisoned for the duration of the 1,000-year reign of Christ. At the end of that period of time, Satan will be released and allowed to mount one more insurrection against God. Yet, for 1,000 years, the earth and its inhabitants will know what it is like to live under a King who rules in perfect righteousness. He will be the king Israel never had, reigning over them with justice, equity, holiness and perfect righteousness.