Forgetfulness can be frustrating. But being forgotten can be even worse. Nobody enjoys being forgotten or forsaken, including God. And it’s somewhat shocking to think that anyone who worships God would ever fail to remember Him for all He has done. But we all do. Which is why God consistently challenges His people to remember. He knows that we are prone to forgetfulness, which can lead to ungratefulness. Failure to remember what God has done in the past can result in an inability to trust Him for the present. So, in Joshua 4:1-14, we see God commanding Joshua to construct a memorial to commemorate their crossing over the Jordan River. They are to take 12 stones from the river bed and stack them on the western shore, creating “a memorial forever.” God wanted them to remember what He had done. And He wanted them to use these stones as an object lesson, passing on to the next generation the news of God’s provision of the miracle at the Jordan.