There are those who fear God and then there are those who fear God. Sounds confusing, doesn’t it. But it’s actually a true statement, because God calls on His people to fear Him. But the enemies of God also fear Him. The demons cower before Him. And those who live in open rebellion to His rule and reign tend to experience a paralyzing dread of Him when they come into contact with Him. God is holy and righteous and required by His nature to deal with the sins of mankind. He cannot tolerate or excuse sin. He can’t turn a blind eye to the actions of those who refuse to acknowledge Him as God. But the fear God requires of His people is of a different kind. It is a reverence and awe for who He is and all that He has done. It is an awareness of His holiness that manifests itself in willful obedience to His commands. So, in Joshua 4:15-5:1, after God miraculously provides a way for the Israelites to cross the Jordan River on dry ground, Joshua calls on the Israelites to fear God. He is the all-powerful God who deserves their upmost respect and their undivided allegiance.