By now, the stubbornness of Saul should be quite evident. Like a dog with a rag, he refuses to let go of his anger and resentment against David. Cooler heads have tried to prevail, but he remains determined to take the life of David and prolong his own reign. But his efforts will proof fruitless and futile. Whether he realizes it or not, he is foolishly attempting to fight the will of God Almighty. His efforts to kill David have failed time and time again, because God has a plan for David’s life. It doesn’t matter how many times Saul tries to stab David with a spear or how many bounties he places on his head, the will of God cannot and will not be thwarted. And Saul’s growing frustration will spill over in rage against his own son, whom he will try to kill with a spear. This is the portrait of a man possessed, both figuratively and literally. No longer controlled by the Spirit of God, Saul is obviously under demonic possession, and operating out of uncontrollable rage. And one of the saddest realities of this man’s rapidly spiraling life was his unwillingness to accept responsibility for the failure of his reign. He had blown it with God, having disobeyed His command, but never repenting for it.