Committing sin comes naturally to all of us, because we have sin natures. But, the sad reality is that we also seem to be more than willing to tolerate sin, in our lives and in the lives of others. That’s exactly what we see in 2 Samuel 13:20-33. David, the king of Israel and the man after God’s own heart, had committed his own fair share of sins. And when sin started showing its ugly face within his own home, he showed a natural tendency to ignore it, rather than deal with it. This drama, with its soap-opera-like plot, reveals a growing list of sinful actions, committed by the children of David. One brother has raped his half-sister. Now, her blood-brother will seek revenge, plotting the death of their guilty sibling. And all because David refused to step in and do what he was obligated to do, as a father and a king. Rather than do his job, David decided to turn a blind eye. And his inaction would only make matters worse.