The prodigal son had returned. But David, unwilling to punish Absalom for his murder of Amnon, had unknowingly created a monster. This son of his was going to wreak havoc on David’s kingdom by undermining his reputation among the people. In 2 Samuel 15:1-6, we begin to see some of the ramifications of David’s decision to leave his guilty son unpunished. His reticence to mete out justice was going to have serious repercussions. And David’s weaknesses as a leader were going to be exploited by his very own son. The man after God’s own heart had lost the heart of his son and would eventually find himself facing the potential loss of his kingdom. And all of this would have direct ties to David’s original sin with Bathsheba. God had warned David that, as a result of his affair with Bathsheba and his orchestration of her husband’s death, the sword would not depart from David’s house. He had already lost a son. Now, he stood the real possibility of losing far more.