We’ve already seen how, at times, David could struggle with inaction. The only thing he seemed to do on a consistent basis, was nothing at all. And in 2 Samuel 19:1-10, David is shown in a state of unconsolable grief, unable to get over the loss of his rebellious son. But David’s mourning was having a negative influence on the kingdom. The people, who were ready to celebrate David’s victory over his enemy, found themselves down in the dumps because their king was disconsolate and depressed. And it was going to take the harsh words of a loving friend to wake David out of his lethargy and into action. Joab, the man who had taken the life of David’s son, would be the one to confront David about his excessive sorrow. It was time for David to wake up and put on a smile. His people needed to see him rejoicing over their great victory. But it was going to take an in-your-face encounter by a loving friend to help David do what needed to be done.