What happens when you leave God out? Nothing good. That was a painful lesson David was going to continue to learn as he desperately tried to unify his fractured kingdom and restore the peoples’ trust in him. But in 2 Samuel 19:31-43, we’re going to see that David had a hard time getting out of his own way. In fact, he was his own worst enemy. His tendency to leave God out of his decision-making was leaving a trail of devastation in his wake. David was faced with all kinds of problems. He had 12 tribes that needed to be wooed and won over. He had damage control to do, in an effort to correct all the bad press Absalom had circulated about him. Not everyone was thrilled with David’s return to Jerusalem. While he seemed to believe that all the tribes were on his side, he was in for a rude awakening. And because he was making decisions without God’s input, some of his bright ideas were going to have dark outcomes.