Holy. Unholy. Clean. Unclean. Pure. Impure. The book of Leviticus is full of these contradictory concepts. The whole sacrificial system was designed to take those who were separated from God because of their impurity and provide a means by which their sins could be atoned for and their relationship with God restored. The impure had to be made pure. The unholy, separated from God because of their sin, had to be cleansed so they could once more be separated to God for His use. Purification from sin is a constant theme in the book and, in Leviticus 12, we see that even a woman who delivered a child was required to go through purification because of her contact with the blood of childbirth. And her male child could not be circumcised until she did. God takes purification from sin seriously. He places a high priority on holiness. And His greatest desire is that His people stand before Him as pure and spotless. Which is why He sent His Son to die on our behalf.